Saturday, February 7

2am: Yes it really is 2am! I can't sleep. I'm going on tour with the Backstreet Boys! I can't believe it! I'm too excited to sleep. See, let me explain some. In April I mailed in a video to MTV's FANatic. Well, they got back to me in September and I actually met Brian then! It was so awesome! Jen even had won the gold record from his girlfriend (though she never told me) and when she surprised me at work, she handed me the gold record saying that she wanted to give it to me for my birthday but it didn't come in time. So I attempted to give it back to him, but he told me to keep it! Anywho, while I was asking Brian questions, which was really cool because he really is funny, he asked me if I had entered the "Tour with your Favorite Band" contest. When I told him no, he produced two cards, one for me and one for Jen. We both filled them out saying we wanted to tour with the Backstreet Boys. See, MTV was doing this contest and the winners got to spend a week with their favorite band. It's their decision as to how they record it. Anyway, when Jen had her back turned, I erased Backstreet Boys from her card and put 'N Sync. And guess what? We both won! So I get to go on tour with the Backstreet Boys and she gets to tour with 'N Sync. I think she hates me. She decided to have MTV tape her, whereas I am just keeping this journal and taking lots of pictures. There are times when our paths will cross. I believe on Wednesday the Boys play 'N Sync at basketball and then of course there's next Saturday. It's this really big concert where both Backstreet and 'N Sync are going to perform. So I spent all day yesterday packing and trying to take care of everything. I think I remembered everything. Clothes (duh!), laptop computer (can't survive w/o that), colorguard flag (I'll tell you about the new one I designed in a minute), I think that I got everything. Oh God, what if I forgot something? I think it'll be okay. Well, let me tell you about what the catch is with this tour thing. I have to go everywhere with them and do everything they do, you know interviews, rehersals, etc. The big thing for me is that I have to learn all their dances because at the concert a week from today I'm gonna perform with them. I know this next week isn't going to be easy, but that's why I'm doing it. The fans out there think the Boys' job is a piece of cake. I'm out to prove them wrong! Well, I'd better get some sleep. You never know when there could be a knock at my door saying it's time to go.

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