Tuesday, February 10

10pm: Well, Kevin talked AJ into the tango, so I guess we're going to do it. I don't really care. AJ drilled me after practice until only 7 and then Kevin took over and taught us how to dance. So now we have the basics. Tomorrow morning, before the b-ball game, we're going to work on some stunt stuff. You know, lifts and stuff. Think "Dirty Dancing." AJ's already bored, I can tell. Maybe I'll talk him into ad-libbing a bit. Now that would really shock everyone! So anyway, here's the latest email to the gurlz:

To: The Gurlz
From: Backstreet Freak
Date: 2/10
Subj: Backstreet Phrase that Pays #4

The Backstreet word for today is: TANGO! Yes, you read correctly, Tango. No, I'm not talking that orange drink thing that they took up on the space shuttle. I'm talking the dance! You know the one I mean. Kevin talked me into it. See, not only do I have to learn those four dances of the Boys' but I also have to have an original one. Fortunately for me, I don't have to make it up. So here are today's hilites:

As you can tell, not much went on today. Maybe more will happen tomorrow when BSB meets up with 'N Sync on the court! Put your money where your heart is: BSB all the way!

Peace, Love, & BSB -- KTBSPA!

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