Wenesday, February 11

10am: Well, I'm here at a Osceola High, in Kissimmee, Florida, about twenty miles south of Orlando. It's kinda sentimental for AJ, being he went to high school here. Talk about weird! I'm walking around the gym where AJ used to "do gym." ACK! The game is supposed to start at high noon, just like something out of the old west. Now if 'N Sync comes out doing "Space Cowboy," I'll fall over laughing. My Boys (how funny, I've been with them all of five days and they're "my Boys") are warming up. All I can say is, 'N Sync better be good losers because we have B-Rok! Yeah baby! I have to tell you about the weirdest thing that happened this morning. I got up and went to go take a shower and when I came back I found a piece of paper on my pillow. When I opened it, there was this poem:

a beautiful rose
yet there,
beneath the leaves
lay thorns so sharp
they make it difficult
to grab hold of
so i'll admire from a far
that sweet, beautiful rose
till I can find a way
to get past the thorns
and hold you in my arms

And the scariest thing was that it was in AJ's handwriting! Could Kevin be right? Could AJ have a crush on me? It sure doesn't seem like it. I mean we fight like cat's and dogs, or brother and sister. I knew AJ wrote love poems, but I didn't know they'd be so beautiful. Damn! I think I'm falling for AJ! Wait! I didn't say that! That was someone else who took over the keyboard! Anywho, gotta go. The "competition" (*snort*) is here. LOL! Oh and hey, Leighanne and Kristen just showed up! Yeah, some girls to conspire with! More later!

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