Wenesday, February 11

3pm: Well, game's over. Guess who won? As if there was any doubt. Final score: BSB 56, 'N Sync 50. I was expecting more, but well, that's okay. At least BSB won! It was so funny because I had been working with a couple of guys in O-Town about jerseys. Well, I got the Boys these really nice ones with their names on the back and their favorite numbers. They all thought I was sweet. Hell, I wanted my Boys (there I go again) to look good! Not like anyone needed to know what their names were, but whatever! They even told me that they're gonna wear them at the concert on Saturday. I managed to convince the girlfriends/fiancee's to help me cheer our guys on! It was classic! I'd told Leighanne about it beforehand and she even brought pom-poms! We had so much fun! At one point, we started rooting for 'N Sync and everyone stopped. No one could believe it. And then at another point, Jen was playing Mario Kart on Game Boy and Leigh, Kristen and I were all huddled around her cheering for her. AJ called a time out at that moment and told us we were supposed to be cheering for them. We all laughed and went back to watching Jen play. Apparently she'd gotten good at it. Everytime Brian went up for a free-throw (Justin kept fowling him; I think it was 'N Sync's way of keeping Brian from racking up the score), we would start chanting "B-Rok! B-Rok!" and the fans, who had the other side of the gym would start chanting it too, even the 'N Sync fans! And whenever Brian had the ball, we all would start chanting, "Wh-wh-who rocks da house? Brian rocks da house!" It was sooooo cool! I think MTV was happy. They got a game for the books! And I'm sure they got ratings up to Wazoo! Who wouldn't wanna watch "The Battle of the Boy-Bands"? I think this was better than seeing David Duchovny in the Rock 'n' Jock B-Ball game! Well, then again, I saw that on television and this was LIVE! Hmmm...now there's a point to ponder: David Duchovny versus Brian Littrell, one-on-one b-ball jam! Let me go talk to MTV! LOL! So I must go email the gurlz really quick and let them know how things went!

To: The Gurlz
From: Backstreet Freak
Date: 2/11
Subj: Backstreet Phrase that Pays #5

The Backstreet word for today is: B-ROK! Yes, today was the promotional b-ball event! "Backstreet Boys! Backstreet Boys!" LOL! I'm sure y'all know the score, but just to remind you, in case you forgot: BSB 56, 'N Sync 50! Boys win! Boys win! So here are today's hilites:

So I'm sending a big shout out to SARI for the pic (you know which one I mean)! I blew it up poster size and was waving it around at the game and AJ was all happy because it comes on tonight! Guess who I'm watching it with? Well, I guess that's it for now.

Peace, Love, & BSB -- KTBSPA!

Well, as for me, it's off to dance practice. AJ and I are gonna work some more on that tango. Thank you Kevin! Maybe we'll do something fun with it, who knows?

Here's that picture I was talking about:

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