Wenesday, February 11

11pm: Well, South Park is over! AJ's still talking! And worst yet, he's full of energy! I got him to stop long enough so I could jot down some things for all my readers out there (what readers?). Anywho, when we got back from the game, AJ and I did work on the tango. Kevin sat on the sidelines and watched us. I think he's really impressed. Hell, I'm really impressed with myself. I mean, I've never picked stuff like this up so quick in my life! Anywho, AJ and I stopped about 930, so we could go watch South Park. "They killed Kenny!" (When don't they?) So now, I'm gonna go work with AJ some more. For once, he's not being a slave driver. I think it's because of something Kevin said earlier today while we were practicing. AJ was starting to get on my case about not doing things right, when Kevin said, "Hey, you're supposed to be leading her."

"So?" AJ asked.

"She knows the basics and the stance, but anything past that is up to you. You lead her. Not the other way around. If she's doing anything wrong, which I don't see anything in her stance, then it's your fault because you're not leading correctly." AJ got quiet after that. I think Kevin finally found something for AJ and I to do that AJ can't get on my case about. Thank you Kevin! Oh thank Heaven for Kevin! LOL! So, AJ and I are working on our "routine" without Kevin around now. I think we are going to get "funky" here in a minute. I think he wants to surprise everyone, including Kevin. So it's back to work for me. Hopefully, he won't keep me up too late, because tomorrow, I learn the chair dance! Yes!

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