Friday, February 13

1pm: OMG! I have to tell you about last night. Right now me and the guys are on the plane heading to New York for the TRL appearance. But anyway, back to last night. I went to bed around 9pm because I was just hella tired. So I'm laying there half awake, when I feel someone crawl into bed with me. I'm not too worried about it. I mean, it could only be one of five people. I rolled over and about died. IT WAS AJ!

"Hi," I said.

"Hi. Hope I didn't startle you."

"No," I lied. "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to tell you something."


"I really am proud of you. I know I don't show it, but I really am." I ducked my head and he put his hand underneath my chin so he could lift my face to look at him. "No, I'm serious. I really am proud of you." He then asked me to give him my hand, which I did. (How do you say no to AJ in your bed?) All the time he had my hand I was freaking out. I mean, where was he going to put my hand? What was he going to do? This is AJ we're talking about. My mind raced, but then he placed my hand on his chest over his heart and recited the following poem:

my heart beats for you
it beats with a fervor
every time we argue
my heart beats for us
it beats with a passion
all the times we fuss
my heart beats for you
it beats because I love you

I wanted to cry. I mean, here was this man who knew how to push all my buttons reciting poetry to me, poetry that he had written. I laid there for several seconds, speechless. He finally had to ask me if I was still awake.

"Yeah," I said absentmindedly. "That was beautiful."

"Thank you," he replied softly. He went to leave, but I stopped him.

"Don't go," I said.

"What? You don't mind if the guys catch us like this tomorrow morning?"

"No," I said. "Let them see what I see."

"What do you see?"

"I see a man who could only find one way to express his love."

"And what about you? Do you return that love?" he asked.

"With all my heart." I rested my head on his chest and he ran his hand over my hair. We fell asleep like that. I can't say the guys fiding us this morning was pleasant. I mean, I do sleep topless and, well, I didn't realize it until the morning. When AJ had first gotten into bed with me, I didn't even realize it. So this morning, when the guys knock on the door, which was open, to ask if I had seen AJ, they find him and I in bed together. I'm sure it must have looked bad, us lying there, skin to skin. I have to admit though, it felt really good. I think Brian almost fainted. AJ and I though, were completely cool with the deal. I mean, it was okay with us. So we got up and Fatima ran us through the dances and when she was sastisfied, she dismissed us. The whole time, the guys kept watching AJ and I, sensing that something had changed between us. And, well, something had changed. I'm not sure I can describe it. So anywho, we're gonna be landing soon, so I'm stoppng this now. So eveyone, I hope you watched TRL today! I just know it's gonna be crazy!

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