Saturday, February 14

8am: OMG! This day is going soooooo well! Okay, first about last night. I know you all are dying to know what AJ was doing in my room last night in a robe. Okay, so this is what went down. I was lying in bed typing up the last entry when AJ walked in my room wearing a robe. I quickly shut everything down and he came over and closed my laptop. He then presented me with a rose and kissed my cheek. "That's just the beginning," he said and then he left. I know, I know. It's not what you were expecting.

But then this morning at 7, things got better. I was sleeping soundedly when I heard "If You Knew What I Knew." (Kinda ironic being the song starts, "7AM, thinking about you.") I knew for a fact that it couldn't be the raido because the song had never been released. I opened my eyes and there were the guys gathered around my bed singing to me. AJ walked in with a tray. There were scrambled eggs, bacon, toast and milk on the tray. Breakfast in bed! I sat up and he placed it in front of me. The rest of the guys backed out of the room and AJ sat down on my bed. He then presented me with yet another rose. (I think I'm beginning to like this.)

"You know, I've never been with a girl on Valentine's Day," he said to me.

"And you consider us 'together'?" I replied.

"Well, I've just never had someone to show my love to."

"So lemme guess, you're getting tips from the rest of the guys right?"

"Exactly," he said. I laughed and started to eat my breakfast.

"So what's on the agenda today?" I asked in between bites.

"Well, the dancers are going over the routines this morning, since the concert's not until tonight. You wanna go over and watch?"

"Gee, how romantic," I commented sarcastically. AJ just looked at me. "Yes, I wanna go over and watch."

"Fatima also wants us to go over the dances one last time."

"What, no singing?"

"Well, we have a sound check this afternoon, but other than that no. We sing enough."

"I know. Do I have to dance with you guys?"

"Only if you want to. Fatima is hella impressed, so she won't make you. By what she saw yesterday, she's pretty happy."

I grinned. "Good, because this way I can visualize it. So when do I leave?"

"Tomorrow sometime," he said a little sad.

"Aww, don't worry AJ. We'll keep in touch." I finished eating and AJ leaned over and kissed me on the cheek.

"Get dressed. The dancers start at 830." He left after that. Well, I guess I'd better get out there. It's almost time for that practice thing. More later.

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