Saturday, February 7

6am: I'm going to kill them! Who? The Backstreet Boys. Especially AJ. At 530 this morning, I was just finally getting to sleep because I'd been tossing and turning, well just as I was closing my eyes, there was a loud knock on my door. Guess who? Yep, my wake up crew, the Backstreet Boys. When I saw them standing there, I shut the door on them. So it was rude, but I wasn't awake enough at the time to realize it was them. Stupid me though, when I shut the door on them I forgot to lock it. So all five of them barged in and headed straight for me. Howie got in front of me, blocking the door to my bedroom. I turned around to head back to the living room, but I was surrounded by them. They were all talking at once filling me in on what was going to happen. AJ's voice was the one I heard most distinctly, maybe because he was the one standing in front of me. It only took me a few moments to realize that the Backsreet Boys were standing in my house! By that time, they had already dragged my stuff, which I had conviently stashed by the front door, down to the waiting limo. I was just standing there with my eyes half open when suddenly Brian picked me up and carried me outside! I was shocked! He's not that much taller than me (only 2 inches), and he caried me over his shoulder. I am a sack of corn and he is feeding the chickens! (Where do I come up with these analogies?) When he picked me up, the rest of the guys started laughing. In my groggy state, they sounded like chickens. Anyway, I was too tired to fight back, so I let him carry me down the stairs to the limo. But by the time we had gone the twenty-feet to the car, I was sound asleep and they had to wake me up. I dozed all the way to the airport and had to be dragged onto the plane. Right now, I'm on the plane heading to O-Town (Orlando, side note: Rocko lives in "O-Town"...point to ponder: is it supposed to be Orlando?). AJ is yacking in one ear and I am quickly learning how to ignore him. If he's going to be this way for the entire week, I'd better invest in a Super Soaker (one of the really big ones) so I can drench that boy. It's another three hours to Orlando, so I'm gonna see if I can get AJ to shut up long enough for me to catch a few Zs.

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