Saturday, February 14

5pm: Well, I've managed to squeeze in a little time right now to write this. Dance rehearsal this morning went really well. I know all the dances now. Yes, I sat there and watched. I know them. I talked Fatima into letting me dance with everyone tonight for almost the entire show. She said I could. I'm not sure how AJ's gonna take it. He'll probably tell me it's my loss if I screw up. I dunno. The Boys are checking the sound. I'm like sitting in the back of the auditorium. Hang on, they're wanting me to tell them how they sound. (As if there's any doubt!) They sound awesome!

Back. Okay, so now where was I? I don't remember! So I guess I'll tell you more after the concert, which is in less than 2 hours! Oh yeah, guess what? The Boys have agreed to wear the jerseys I got them for the show! YES! Okay, I'm off now!

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