Saturday, February 7

10pm: AJ gave me a break! Praise the Lord! Here's what my afternoon looked like:

2-6 torture, I mean dance rehersal with Fatima
6-7 dinner break!
7-10 the Boys leave, except AJ, he continues to torture me!

So what did I learn today?

A: always lock your doors
B: don't steal AJ's McDonald's
C: I'm gonna die!

Why am I gonna die? Easy. I have to learn "Larger than Life," "Everybody," "All I Have to Give," the chair and regular dances to "As Long As You Love Me," and I have to create something for one of their songs. I did mention that these are all dances right? So tell me I'm not going to die? Today we worked on "Everybody" because I kinda already knew it. My moves are still kinda sloppy and that's what AJ has spent the last three hours working with me on. To tell you the truth, they still are sloppy. So we're on to hour seven of dance rehersal. I'm tired and I'm probably going to be sore tomorrow. Guess who's getting blamed? AJ! I know all of "Everybody" now. I'm impressed. Usually it takes me a couple of days to learn a new routine. I thnk it helped that I already knew parts of it. Anywho, I just checked my email. Outside of the bunch from the gurlz all replying to my "phrase that pays," I had one from Jen:

To: Backstreet Freak
From: 'N Sync 'N Sane
Date: 2/7
Subj: Die Die Die!

See what I changed my name to? No, it's not because I'm insane for 'N Sync, it's because they are 'N SANE! I'm gonna kill you! How dare you stick me with these five! Just wait until Wednesday and that promotional basketball thing. You are gonna die! I swear, if I hear "Bye Bye Bye" one more time, someone is gonna Die Die Die and it ain't gonna be me!


I think I pissed her off, what do you think? Uh oh, the torturer is back. I think we're gonna dance till we both fall asleep. Guess I won't get to email the gurlz again.

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