Sunday, February 8

Noon: I bet you're wondering what I've been doing all morning, huh? Well, let me fill you in. I was sleeping soundly on this nice comfy pillow when suddenly I felt someone poke me and whisper in my ear, "Wake up, it's time to go to church."

"But I don't wanna get up," I whined.

"Come, on, open those pretty eyes." I did as I was told and found myself looking into Brian's baby blue eyes. I was groggy, but I could make out Kevin behind him video taping me. All around me, I heard the click of a camera.

"What are you doing, Kevin?" I asked.

"Recording this," he replied.

"Recording what?" I asked, lifting my head to look around. When I did, I caught a glimpse of myself in the floor to ceiling mirror that spanned the length of one wall. What I saw made me scream. The "comfy pillow" I head been sleeping on was AJ's stomach. Yes, he does have abs of steel, but he was lying down sleeping. I can't believe I was sleeping on AJ! I have no idea how it happened. He was probably drilling me on dance steps and we fell asleep. At least, I hope that's what happened. Anywho, when I screamed, it woke AJ up. Well, he bolted into a sitting postion which threw me on the floor. The other guys laughed.

"Oh, this is good," Nick said, countinuing to click pictures.

"What? What's good?" AJ asked, wiping the sleep out of his eyes.

"You and her slepeing together," informed Howie.

"Eewww," AJ and I said together and scooted away from each other. The guys continued to laugh at us. I rolled over on my hands and knees and dove for Kevin's ankles.

"I want that tape, Mister," I said to him.

"Nope. Sorry. It's being sent to MTV," he told me.

"No! You wouldn't!" AJ said.

"Hey, the pics are for the website," Nick said. It's true. They are on the website. That's how MTV's keeping track of me. The journals and pictures are on the web for the world to see! AJ and I chased Kevin and Nick around the studio for a bit until Brian mentioned the "C-word" again: "church." I went and got dressed and headed out with Brian to his Beemer. I'd never ridden in a Beemer before. Sitting shotgun with Brian driving had to be one of those thrills of my life. I don't know how to describe it. All I can say is: WOW!

Church was church. Nothing new there. Brian and I were the last to arrive and we sat in the back in case we needed to make a quick get away. The service was nice, nothing too fancy. We managed to make it through without being reconized. Well, that might not be the case. Brian probably was reconized, but he wasn't approached. Brian told me that he usually doesn't get bothered at church. Why is that? I'm not sure, but I think it's because all the fans know that Brian's most likely to go to church on Sunday and that it's important to him. So that's what I've been doing all morning! Oh dear God, Fatima just walked in. Guess what time it is? Tortu...I mean dance time! LOL!

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