Sunday, February 8

10pm: Well, I was put through my torture for the day. So here is what it looked like:

A: go over "Everybody"
B: learn "All I Have to Give" (yeah, props!)
NOTE: Fatima was impressed that I knew "Everybody" so well, so I guess I owe a big "Thanks" to AJ! :-( LOL!

So we went on for six hours and by that time I knew the routine, kinda, but yet again AJ wasn't impressed. He drilled me until 830, trying to make sure my moves were clean looking. He was going to keep on drilling me, but I told him to stop.

"Why?" he asked me, stopping the music.

"Because, I need a break and plus, "X-Files" is on in half an hour."

"So you're an 'X-Files' freak too, huh?"

"Yes. So I'm done for tonight."

"I still don't think you have it."

"Well, we'll just see tomorrow, huh?"

"Okay, fine!" AJ said to me.

"Fine!" I nearly shouted back.

"Fine!" AJ shouted back. I almost laughed at him. We were acting like little kids. I walked out of the room and into "my" room. I changed clothes and was just about ready to leave, when Nick entered.

"Hey girl, we have an entertainment center down the hall. You ready to go watch some spooky stuff?"

"You bet." I linked arms with Nick, who was like almost a foot taller than me and we walked down the hall. "Why do you guys have an entertainment center here?"

"Sometimes we record our performances and stuff and this way we can go back and watch all our screw ups," he told me.

"Screw ups? Yeah right."

"You'd be surprised." We walked into a larger room with a couple of throw pillows on the floor. On one wall, there was a large screen television. It was hooked up to a VCR and a massive stereo system. Nick told me to get comfortable and turned everything on. Within a matter of minutes we were watching the Fox channel and "The X-Files" was starting. It was a great episode, like always. And afterwards, Nick and I discussed it, in fact, he's still talking to me about it, even as I write this. (Shut up Nick! LOL!) Anywho, here's the latest email:

To: The Gurlz
From: Backstreet Freak
Date: 2/8
Subj: Backstreet Phrase that Pays #2

The Backstreet word for today is: HAT! Why is it hat? Becuase I got to play with a hat today! Why? Becuase I learned "All I Have to Give." I love playing with props. They're so much fun! Anywho, here are today's hilites:

So, that's it for tonight. Tomorrow promises more tort...I mean dance rehearsal. Man, why did I ever agree to do this? LOL! Love ya'll.

Peace, Love, & BSB - KTBSPA!

Well, that's it for this entry. I think I'm gonna try and get Nick to shut up now so I can go to sleep. I know tonight's episode was really good, but I wanna get some sleep.

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