Monday, February 9

4pm: Today's schedule:

6am: wake up
630-8: weightlifting with Kevin
8-12: dance rehersal (learned "Larger than Life")
12-1: lunch break
1-330: dance rehersal (continued to work on dance)
345: called Carson

Well, that's what the schedule looked like. Weightlifting with Kevin was pretty cool today. Today it was arms and upper body. Tomorrow it'll be arms and upper body. Wednesday and Thursday it'll be lower body. And then on Friday it's a total body thing. I think I really like it. I know that by the time I get to the end of this week, I'm gonna be super strong. It was funny though, because I went with all the guys and we just had a blast. I can bench press seventy percent of my body weight. (Hey, I only weigh a hundred pounds!) Anywho, I was there, working out, when Brian saw how much I was benching.

"What are you? A weakling?" he asked me.

"No, I only weigh a hundred pounds."

"That's it?"


"I could bench press you," he said.

"I'd like to see you try," I challenged.

"Sure thing. Come here. Kevin get the video camera. I want this on film." Brian laid down on his back on the ground and told me to do the same thing. I crossed my ankles, like he instucted and crossed my arms over my chest. When I was ready, Nick and AJ picked me up and set me on top of Brian's hands which were reaching for the sky. He placed one hand in between my knees and the other one flat on my back. I had to struggle to keep from laughing. And then he started bench pressing me. All the guys were laughing. He did ten reps of me and then stopped and AJ and Nick lifted me off of him. It was crazy. Soon after that, we had to leave to make it to dance practice.

At dance rehearsal, I'm not sure what AJ was feeling. We worked on "Larger than Life" and AJ got to throw me (you know that throw in the video). I think he had a good time. I know I did. I learned a whole lot today and yet, AJ kept trying to drill it into me. When we broke at 330, because I was under orders to call TRL at least once, AJ was still telling me that the routine wasn't perfect yet. And I thought Kevin was the perfectionist! So at 345, I picked up the phone and called Carson Daly of TRL. Once I got through the producers, I was put on the air with Carson.

"Hey Carson, wuzup?" I asked.

"Hey, who's this?" Carson replied.

"It's Backstreet Freak. I'm hanging with the Backstreet Boys in Orlando."

"Hey, how's that going?"

"Oh, it's going. I think if I can make it to Saturday, I'll be okay."

"That's when the concert is."


"Now, can't the fans follow your adventures online?"

"Yeah. If you goto Backstreet Freak dot MTV dot com you'll find my latest journal entry, along with a picture I really don't like."

"Oh, you mean this picture." The picture of AJ and I alseep together was put on the screen. I groaned. "So what's the deal? You don't like AJ?"

"Don't get me wrong. AJ is a wonderful guy, but the man needs to lighten up! I'll know everything I need to know before the concert."

"So he's a slave driver?"

"You said it, Carson, not me."

"Hey, well, it's been great hearing from you."

"It's been fun talking to you Carson. Hey, can I give a shout out really quick?"


"I wanna say to all the Thong Gurlz out there, shake those thongs and keep livin' la vida loca for the BSB!" Carson just laughed. "I'll talk to you later Carson. Oh, and Carson, can I get a tee-shirt and can Dave autograph it for me?"

"Girl you can have whatever you want. We'll talk to you later."

"Bye Carson. Say hi to Dave for me."

"Will do. Bye." I hung up the phone and then hopped right on the computer to do my entry. Here's the email I just sent to the gurlz.

To: The Gurlz
From: Backstreet Freak
Date: 2/9
Subj: Backstreet Phrase that Pays #3

The Backstreet Word for the day is: DAVE HOLMS! Ok, I know it's two words, but I'm getting Dave's autograph! I know it's silly, but hey! Oh, were you all watching TRL today? I gave you gurlz a huge shout out! Anywho, here are today's hilites:

Yes, AJ gets to throw me around, but I get to wrap my legs around him. Are any of you gurlz jealous? Anywho, that's about it. I'm not sure what tomorrow's schedule looks like, but I know on Wenesday there's this charity B-Ball thing...BSB vs. 'N Sync...guess who I put my money on? Yep, BSB! Come on, we've got B-Rok! It will be televised by MTV, I'm sure of it. It's like the Battle of the Boy Bands all over again! Who shall reign supreme? Guess we have to wait until Wednesday!

Peace, Love, & BSB – KTBSPA!

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