Tuesday, February 10

Noon: Well, it's lunch time. You'll never guess what happened this morning! I was stretching before rehearsal when Kevin came up to me. He wanted to talk.

"So talk," I told him. Fortunately none of the other guys were around.

"Well, have you thought of what you're going to do for your original routine?"

"I was kinda thinking something for 'The One,' why?"

"Oh. I was kinda hoping you'd be interested in learning something new."

"But I thought I had to make it up myself."

"Nah. The people just wanna see something new. Something that's not ours. I had an idea, if you're interested."

"What did you have in mind?" I asked sliding into the splits.

"Well, I've seen the way you and AJ work together and I was thinking that you two would be perfect for a tango." I raised an eyebrow at Kevin. "Both of you are very sexual by nature and I think the fans would get a kick out of you two dancing like that."

"Wait a second Kevin. Where did you get the idea that I am sexual?"

"Why else would AJ be attracted to you?"

"AJ? Attracted to me?" I laughed. "Kevin, what have you been smoking and why haven't you been sharing it with me?"

Kevin laughed at me. "Well, at least think about it. We can get started after practice."

"You mean after slave driver's done with me? Sure, Kevy, I'm game. You just talk him into it." So that is what Kevin has been doing all during lunch. Him and AJ have been talking. Anywho, I know these entries have been short lately, but going over all these dances is absolutely crazy. At least tomorrow I get to meet up with Jen. Oh yeah, I got an email from her today!

To: Backstreet Freak
From: 'N Sync 'N Sane
Date: 2/10
Subj: B-Ball tomorrow!

Hey girl! These guys are driving me crazy! You know that padded room they were in for the video of "Drive Myself Crazy"? I think I may need it by the time this week is over. Or I'm going to lock them in one. Anywho (damn, I've been hanging around you too long), they have been going on all day about how they are going to kick some Backstreet butt tomorrow at the promotional B-Ball game. Do you know if the fiancee's are coming? Think about it we could be cheerleaders! I'm joking. So I'll see you tomorrow!


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