Welcome to Backstreet Freak's journal! Here you can follow my adventures as I tag along with the one and only Backstreet Boys. It's really an amazing story how I got here. It all started with a video for MTV's FANatic. I thought they wouldn't see it and I wouldn't get to meet my idol, Brian Littrell, but I guess I had an angel on my side, because I got to meet him! Well, as I'm sitting there interviewing him on everything from the engagement (yes, he moved the wedding up!) to song writing to his favorite type of chewing gum, he asks me if I have entered the "Tour with your Favorite Band" contest MTV is doing. When I told him no, he produced the cards and I entered. And here I am! So here is my journal for you to follow my every move. And be sure to tune into MTV all this coming week to catch glimpses of me and follow my friend Jen, who is with 'N Sync (my doing!). And don't forget the big concert on Saturday, Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 7
Entry #1
Entry #2
Entry #3
Entry #4

Sunday, February 8
Entry #5
Entry #6

Monday, February 9
Entry #7

Tuesday, February 10
Entry #8
Entry #9
Entry #10

Wednesday, February 11
Entry #11
Entry #12
Entry #13

Thursday, February 12
Entry #14
Entry #15

Friday, February 13
Entry #16
Entry #17

Saturday, February 14
Entry #18
Entry #19
Entry #20
Entry #21

Note to my readers: Yes, this is the story "Fighting AJ". What you are seeing now is a sample of what people would see if backstreetfreak.mtv.com really existed. I thought it would bring a new twist to the site. So let me know what you think about it all. Email me.

Last updated on: January 5, 2004

AJ Fiction