Backstreet Stories / The Truth & The Shadows / Supergirl Slash / Sifting Through Shadows
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~*The Baby Girl Series*~

This story came from me actually sending Brian a Christmas card. I got to thinking about what might happen if I continued to send him cards on all the holidays. I wasn't expecting to turn it into a series, but it just kinda happened.

The idea for the sequel was to have the entire story take place in letter format, but as I started writing, I found that quite difficult. So it became all letters from B to Baby Girl mixed in with some description.

I guess this is where the series really started to take on a life of it's own. I implied a couple things, added in a cliché or two and it became a soap opera.

Yes, it is titled after Brian McKnight's "One Last Cry" a song that Brian sometimes sings. I had intended for this to be the last in the series. There was a big water fight with AJ, some name calling and it ended with a song.

Rated: R for sexual situations. This story has yet another cliché in it and it is where the series takes a turn. Somebody dies, that's all I'm saying. There will be at least one more story in this series.

Ok, here is the sixth story in the Baby Girl series. I never expected it to take on a life of it's own. As you recall, Leighanne died in a car accident in the last story. Well this one takes place after the funeral when Baby Girl receives some shocking news. (Here's a hint, it's the same news we all received in February.)

I had no idea how to continue this series until one night when I was driving home from McDonald's (AJ's fav restaurant) and I heard the song "Take a Bow" by Madonna come on the radio. I listened to the lyrics and I realized they kinda fit with the story. So I wrote this story kinda around it, but not really. It's now going to take another turn!

This story was inspired by the year 2000 running of the Kentucky Derby. Why wouldn't our Kentucky natives go to the Derby? I decided to play around with this and well, it led into the next, and final, two Baby Girl stories.

This installment was inspired by the Aalyiah song, "Try Again." It fit with the way the story was going. Brian is trying again to get back with his Baby Girl, only he doesn't know it's her. Will he find out?

This is the very last story in the Baby Girl series. It contains a portion of the song "I'll be There for You" by the Backstreet Boys in which Brian says the line "I'll be there, Baby Girl." This story hopefully ties up any loose ends floating around. It made me cry as I was writing it, so I consider that fair warning.


Backstreet Stories / The Truth & The Shadows / Supergirl Slash / Sifting Through Shadows
Becca's Stories Home / Pen & Paper / Hosted Fiction / The Poetry Project