Hosted Fiction

This is for all the stories that I host that aren't mine. They either belong to other people or they are co-authored by me and someone else. If you'd like your story hosted here, please email me. The only requirement I have is that it be in text format, so that means put it in text format and attach it please. Thank you.


Co-Authored Stories

Title: A Twist of Fate
Author: Becca Williams
Type: Backstreet Boys
Style: Death Fic
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Becca wrote this story first and sent it to me for my opinion. When I read that I was in it, I wanted to write my side of it. We worked for a week writing, rewriting and proofreading each other's work until we finally got it right. Here is her side. To read more of her stories visit her homepage.

Title: My Twentieth Birthday
Author: B-Rek
Type: Backstreet Boys
Style: Death Fic
Rating: PG-13
Summary: This is a Backstreet Boys fanfic! This is my side of the story. In Becca's original version, the funeral takes place on April 15, 2000, my twentieth birthday. We kept this and worked the idea of my birthday into the story. I think it made more of an impact than either of us realized.

Title: Purple
Authors: Moonbeam & B-Rek
Type: X-Files
Style: Board Fic
Rating: PG
Summary: This story was started on The Unofficial X-Files Forum. Moonbeam and I are currently working on so it will be updated frequently. As of right now, your guess is as good as mine as to how this story will turn out.

Hosted Stories

Title: Affirmations
Author: viXen
Type: X-Files
Sytle: Unrequited Love
Rating: NC-17
Summary: I came across this fanfic on The Gossamer Archives. When I read this story, I immediately liked it. Most fanfic I have found have no resistence on the part of Mulder or Scully, they just go at it. But this one had some hesitation on Scully's part. viXen has written other fanfic that are available on The Gossamer Archives

Title: Pure Love
Author: Hills
Style: Slash
Rating: NC-17 (in parts)
Pairing: Krystal/Other
Summary: A fan meets the girl of her dreams and comes to grips with past loves that failed, true love, and most of all, the discovery of self love.