I was in between being awake and asleep when I felt Brian move. "Hey!" I heard him say.

"Shhh," Nick said. "Don't wake her."

"Okay, okay." I felt someone's hands on me, like they were picking me up. I fell back into being asleep.

I woke up, briefly, when we arrived back at the bed and breakfast. I managed to make it to Brian's bed before I fell back asleep.

He was touching me. He had his hands on me. He wanted something from me, something I wasn't going to give. Sure we were sleeping in the same bed and we had done it before, but he wasn't getting anything this time. I lay there, staring at the ceiling while his hands moved over my body.

He climbed on top of me. "Hey Babe."

"Hi," I said, looking into his eyes.

"You ready for more?"


"What do you mean 'no'?"

"I mean no! Now get off of me!"

"No you don't. Now come on. You know you like it."

"No! GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed.

"GET OFF OF ME!" I screamed, sitting up in bed.

"Becca, what's wrong?" Brian said groggily.

"LET GO OF ME!" I screamed.

Brian sat up beside me. "Becca, are you okay?" He put a hand on my shoulder.

"NO!" I leapt off the bed and headed towards the door. The sun was shining through the window. The alarm clock said it was about four in the afternoon. "I told you, I'm not sleeping with you!"

"What?! Becca, I never asked you to! What's going on? What aren't you telling me?" He jumped off the bed and headed towards me.

I backed up against the door. "NO! NO! NO!" I slid down to the floor, sobbing. Brian got down on his knees in front of me and tried to grab my shoulders. I tensed every muscle in my body and moved to a corner. As Brian followed me, the door opened.

"Is something wrong in here?" Kevin asked. "We heard screaming."

"It's fine," Brian said.

Kevin took one look at me hiding in the corner from Brian and said, "I think something's wrong. Brian, out."

Brian didn't move. "I'm not leaving her!"

"Yes, you are." Kevin grabbed Brian by the arm and pulled him outside. "Let me talk to her, okay?" Kevin came back into the room and kneeled down beside me. "What's wrong?"

"He wants me to sleep with him."

"Who? Brian?"

I crossed my arms across my chest and started rocking back and forth. "He wants me to sleep with him."



"Why does he want you to sleep with him?"

"Because we're engaged."

"Do you see him here now?"

I took a ragged breath and looked around the room. "No."

Brian poked his head around the door. "Is it safe to come back in?" He slowly stepped into the room. I started shaking.

"Becca, breathe," Kevin told me. When I took another ragged breath, he said, "Good. Now relax." He lowered his voice, "Now keep breathing." Kevin got up from the floor and walked over to Brian. "She'll be okay," he told him.

"What happened?"

"It was a panic attack."

"What brought it on?"

"She woke up like this?" Kevin asked.


"Probably a dream. Who's Mike?"

"That was her ex-boyfriend. He, uh, stalked her for four months when she was sixteen."

"What do you know about the relationship?"

"Not much, she didn't talk about it."

"I think she was engaged to him."

There was shock in Brian's voice as he said, "What makes you say that?"

"Because she told me she was. She needs help, Cuz. Have you spoken to Pastor Campbell about this?"

"No. I haven't spoken to him since I left Kentucky last week."

"Call him. He may be able to help."

"But what good is it going to do?"

"Brian, you answered the phone that day for a reason. You came all the way out here to prove a point to her. You asked her to be your girl on national television. Why'd you do that? Only the Lord knows. Pastor Campbell can help you help her. Call him. Explain to him the situation."

"Alright, I'll call him." From my spot in the corner, I saw Brian walk over to the phone. He sat down on the bed, dialed a number and waited. "Mrs. Campbell, is Pastor Campbell available? It's, uh, Brian Littrell." Kevin left the room so that Brian could talk in private.

The room was so quiet; I could just about make out what Pastor Campbell was saying. "Brian, I didn't see you in church on Sunday. Are you boys recording your new album already?"

"No, sir. I'm actually in California."

"So what can I do for you, my son?"

"Well, sir, I've got a problem. About two weeks ago, I was at home with Dad when the phone rang. When I answered it, there was a young woman on the other end from California. She thought I was lying about who I was."

"What did you do?"

"I asked her if there was anything I could do to prove it to her. She told me to find her, so I did. When I found her, we immediately became friends. But the closer we get, the further she pushes me away. Sometimes when I get near her she screams. And she has problems sleeping. She wakes up screaming and won't let me get near her. I don't know what to do, Pastor. I don't know how to comfort her."


"What do you mean?"

I couldn't hear the Pastor's answer, but I could tell by Brian's body language that his heart was breaking.

"So you mean I should stay away from her? Let her come to me?"

"Yes. She has to trust you. You know how you put your trust in the Lord?"

"Yes, sir."

"Well, you had to do that, the Lord couldn't do that for you. She has to do this on her own. You cannot make her trust you."

"Thank you, sir."

"Anytime, my son. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." Brian hung up the phone. He came over and kneeled down beside me. "Do you want me to take you home?" he whispered.

I nodded.

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