"Find everything okay?" Brian asked from the doorway.

I quickly closed the book and turned around. "Yeah," I said.

Brian walked into the room, placing Tyk on the ground, and came around to where I was standing in front of his nightstand. He reached behind me and picked up a framed picture of his mom and him. "Do you know why I was at home when you called?" he asked me.


"Mother's Day. I try every year to go home and see my mom."

"It must be hard living so far away from her."

"Sometimes. When we were in Europe it was especially difficult. That's where I wrote 'The Perfect Fan'."

"My brother and I used that song in a video for our mom this year. She loved it. I think she cried throughout the entire video." I looked over at Brian. "My brother didn't wanna listen to the song. He really didn't wanna have a Backstreet song as part of the video. But once he really listened to it, he realized what the song was saying."

"I'm glad the song touched someone."

"You'd be surprised how many people it has touched," I said, wrapping my arms around his waist. "So, my sweet little Brian, how hard is it to get a decent meal here?"

"That depends on whose cooking," he said with a smile.

"Well, I know you're better at breakfast and AJ is better at dinner, but who's better at lunch?"


"Come on, I feel like tuna melts. You do have tuna and cheese right?"

"We always have cheese in the house."

"Well, you have to know how to make macaroni and cheese."

"Of course I do, it's my favorite."

"Good. It's my favorite too. I can eat a whole box in one sitting."

"Lil' ole you?" Brian asked, poking me in the stomach.

"What? You think I can't eat that much?"

"Well, look at you." He wrapped his pinky and thumb around my wrist. "You're so skinny."

"So I have a high metabolism."

"Race ya to the kitchen." He took off running towards the kitchen. Tyk ran after him, yipping all the way. I caught up with him quickly and jumped up on his back. "What do you think you're doing?" he asked trying to contain his laughter. He sat down on the arm of the couch and leaned back until I fell off of him. I rolled off of the couch and headed towards the kitchen. I started looking in cupboards for tuna, plates and glasses. I found the glasses stashed in a cupboard way above the sink. I reached as high as I possible could, but I still could barely reach the edge of the shelf.

Brian came up behind me and said, "Let me help you." He picked me up by my waist so that I could get the glasses down. Soon we were sharing a pan of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese with tuna melts and tall glasses of milk to drink with it. We were sitting on the floor in front of the television watching MTV; Tyk was sitting next to Brian trying to beg food off of him. He was still a little leery of me. Total Request Live had just started. Brian got up and ran over to get the cordless phone. "Wait, don't call just yet," I told him. "Give him half an hour and then call." Brian set down the phone and we continued eating. At one o'clock sharp, he picked up the phone and dialed MTV's phone line. I pushed him into the bedroom, so there wouldn't be any feedback. While he was in his room talking to the producers of the show trying to convince them to let him on the air, I slipped a blank videotape into the VCR. The show went to commercial and when they came back, Carson said, "We have a caller on the phone right now." I hit the record button. "Brian, from Orlando, what can I do for you?"

"Hey Carson. I'd like to make a comment about the Backstreet Boys show last week."

"Sure go ahead." Carson had no clue who was on the other end of the line.

"Have you heard if Becca answered Brian's question yet?"

"Wait a second." Carson paused for a moment while it dawned on him who was on the other end. "So what did she say Brian?"

"I'm not going to say, but she is here in Orlando with me."

"Well, thanks for clearing that up for us Brian," Carson said sarcastically and I heard Brian laugh.

"Thanks, Carson," Brian said. "Have a nice day."

"You too Brian." Carson said. The line clicked as Brian hung up the phone. I stopped the tape, just moments before Brian came out of his room. We continued watching TRL and then headed out to go rollerblading once the show was over.

Later that night, as Brian and I sat on the couch, I thanked him for not coming out and saying that we were dating exclusively.

"No problem," he told me. "I figured the show last week was enough humiliation for one lifetime."

"No you don't. You'll humiliate me more, when the time is right."

"How do you know that?"

"Call it a hunch." I snuggled down in the covers as Brian leaned over to kiss my forehead.

"I'll be in the next room if you have anymore nightmares, okay?"

I nodded. As I drifted off to sleep that night, I couldn't help but thank the Lord for bringing Brian into my life. He was such a gentleman and I prayed that I wouldn't push him away.

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