For the next month, I slept on the couch in the living room. Granted, it wasn't my bed, but I had slept on couches before and at least AJ and Brian's couch was comfortable. The first couple of nights were rough, but I managed. Then one Tuesday night about a month after I had moved in, I couldn't sleep. I lay there on the couch for two hours tossing and turning. Finally around midnight I got up and walked over to Brian's bedroom. The door was closed, but there was light coming through the cracks around the door. I knocked quietly.

"Come in," I heard Brian say from the other side. I slowly opened the door. There was Brian, lying on his side reading his Bible. Tyk was asleep at his feet. He looked up at me and said, "Something wrong?"

"I can't sleep," I said.

He closed his Bible, put it on the nightstand, and patted the bed beside him. "Come're," he said softly.

I walked over and sat down on the edge of his king-sized waterbed. He reached his hand out and pulled me over closer to him. I was lying beside him, with my back to his chest. He pushed my hair behind my ear. He leaned over and kissed my earlobe. "Why are you here with me now?" he whispered.

I rolled over so I was facing him. I looked deep into his blue eyes and said, "Because I love you." Tyk opened his eyes and crawled up in between the two of us. We both laughed.

"I love you too," Brian told me. He leaned over and kissed me sweetly on the lips. The kiss felt just like the first time that he kissed me.

Our first kiss had been just four days earlier. We had arranged to go out on an actual date that Friday night. Brian and the Boys had engagements all day, so he said he would be back to pick me up at seven that night. I put on the white dress he had got me for the performance and got ready. As the time grew nearer to seven, my mind began to race. I began talking out loud to Tyk as I paced the floor. "What if something happened? What if the engagements ran over?" I asked the little dog. We had bonded within a few days of my arriving in Orlando, mainly because I was sleeping on the couch at that time. I grew extremely nervous. At seven sharp, the doorbell rang. I composed myself and answered the door. There was Brian. He was dressed in a white jacket and white slacks. He was wearing a blue dress shirt and a white tie. In his arms he had a dozen red roses.

"You look beautiful," he said as he handed me the roses.

I blushed. "Thank you. Let me go put these in water, and then we can go." I walked over to the kitchen and found a vase sitting on the counter. I put water in it and then very carefully placed the roses in the vase. Brian came over and pushed my hair behind my ear and then put a white rose in my hair. He offered his arm to me and I took it. We walked out of the house to the waiting car arm in arm.

He took me to a very nice Italian restaurant and we shared a plate of spaghetti, just like in Lady and the Tramp. I found it very sweet of him. He was being funny because he could sense that I was really nervous. I didn't say much throughout the entire meal.

After dinner he took me to a secluded beach. When we arrived, we sat and talked for a moment. Then, Brian started taking off his shoes.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Come on, let's go for a walk." I followed suit and soon we were holding hands, walking barefoot along the beach. We talked about many things, our families, how my mom was just going to have a fit when I brought him home to meet her.

"Why is that?"

"Well, the earrings, the tattoos, but I think she'll like you." He looked at me funny when I said that. "When I was sixteen, my mom set standards for me. I couldn't date guys who had hair that was longer than mine, no multiple piercings, no grunge, no sag, and no tattoos."

"Well, if she still has those standards of who can date her daughter then I'm in trouble."

"Actually I think she'll like you. You're religious and you have morals. You don't lie, you treat me like a princess and you're just a really sweet guy."

"We could find out."


"Have your parents come out here."

"Oh, I don't know if that's a good idea."

"Why not?"

"Well, I think the living together thing wouldn't go over well."

"We could go out there. I've got some time in a couple weeks where we aren't doing anything."

"The trick would be getting my mom and dad under the same roof, especially since they live in two different states now."

"Who says we have to get them together. We can go see each of them individually."

"So you mean, fly to Oregon so you can meet my mom and then fly to California so you can meet my dad?"

"Yep. And then on the way back, we can stop by Kentucky so you can meet my family."

"I'll have to think about it," I told him.

Brian suddenly stopped right in his tracks and turned towards me. "Becca, I have a question for you."


"May I kiss you?"


"I know you may have problems with it because of your past, that's why I'm asking."

"Brian, you are such a gentleman, how can I refuse?"

He placed a finger on my chin, tilted my head, and ever so slowly, leaned down and pressed his lips to mine. My mind was racing. I was kissing Brian, something every girl in America and possibly the world wanted to do. My mind was focused completely on the lips pressed to mine. Suddenly, I heard a click. It sounded like a camera. I placed my hands on Brian's chest and ever so gently pushed him away. "Did you hear that? It sounded like a camera click."

"Yeah, I did." We looked around and sure enough, running away from us was someone carrying a camera.

"Great," I said. "Now the whole world is going to know."

"I know it bothers you, Becca, but the public was bound to find out about us sooner or later."

"I know, but couldn't it have been way later in my life?" Somehow we had managed to keep the relationship a secret, even after appearing on MTV.

"Hon, I know how you feel about this."

"I don't think you do."

"You're afraid that he's going to track you down and start stalking you again. It's okay. I'll protect you."

I hugged him. We then headed back to the car and went home.

* * *

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