Two weeks after our first date, we were on a plane to Oregon. We had to change planes in Sacramento and had a layover in Portland. When we arrived in Redmond, we rented a small Toyota pickup truck and drove to my mom's trailer house. My mom had just bought a trailer on a small piece of land in February. We'd be spending three days with my mom, then flying to Fresno, California and spending three days with my dad and then flying to Lexington, Kentucky where we'd spend three days with Brian's family.

As we drove up the driveway, my Husky, Shonee put her head on the front windowsill. "Hope you don't mind big dogs? My mom has a wolfdog rescue." I asked Brian.

"I don't mind. It's probably a good thing I left Tyk at home with AJ then, huh?"

"Yeah. The dogs would probably consider him a snack," I joked as he parked the pickup and climbed out of the cab. Before I could even get my seatbelt off, he was around on my side, holding the door open for me. He offered his hand to me to help me down. When I was safely on the ground, he gathered our bags from the bed of the truck. We walked together to the front door. I opened the door, because Brian had his hands full. I was barely inside the door before Shonee started jumping on me, yelping. As soon as she got a whiff of Brian, she stopped yelping and started backing away.

"It's ok," I told Brian. "She just doesn't know you." I shut the door behind him. My parents were standing a few feet away from where Brian and I stood inside the door. "Mom, Ray, this is Brian. Brian, my mom, Peggy and my step-dad Ray." Brian shifted the bags to his left hand so he could shake hands with my parents. "Here, I'll take those," Ray said.

"Thank you, sir." As Ray took the bags, he shot a look at me that said, "I like him."

I squatted down to greet Shonee and I motioned for Brian to do the same. Shonee still stayed behind my mom. "Come're Shonee," I called. Slowly, Shonee came towards me. Brian put out his hand very slowly and let Shonee sniff him. Shonee was still leery of him, but that would change. I got up from the floor and walked into the kitchen. Brian asked Ray where the bags had been placed and Ray led him to the back bedroom. My mom came into the kitchen, where I was scouring for something to eat. "His ears are pierced," she said flatly.

"And he's got a tattoo too," I said, grabbing a package of hotdogs. Shonee heard the sound of the packaging and practically pounced on me. I pulled out two hotdogs and headed to the dining room table. "Don't worry mom, he's not a rebel," I said, reassuring her. "I wouldn't be with him if he was. He's a devout Christian and is just the sweetest person I have ever met." I ate one hotdog and broke the other one into pieces and fed Shonee.

My mother sighed. "Alright." Just then, the men emerged from the back of the trailer talking about golf.

"Uh oh," I said. "Are you two going golfing tomorrow?"

Brian grinned. "Yep. Why do you think I brought my clubs?" I rolled my eyes. "Who else do you know has lefties?"

"No one."


"I don't care if you go golfing tomorrow. Just don't be gone all day."

"Aw, why not?" I looked at him. "Ok, I won't be gone all day."

My mom, Ray, Brian and I sat around the dinning room table talking for a while. After my parents had basically interrogated him, I headed off to the back bedroom. The time change was killing me. It had taken me a week to get used to it in Florida, and now I was going to be in a different time zone for half of our trip. I rummaged around in my bag until I found the book I had brought with me. I then curled up on the bed to read. I read about eight pages before I felt someone come up behind me. Brian wrapped his arms around my waist and rolled me over so I was facing him. "Your parents took the dog for a walk," he told me, "so that leaves us here alone." He emphasized the word "alone" like it was a big deal and we were cocky teenagers afraid to get caught. "So what are we going to do about the sleeping arrangements?" he asked.

"I figured we were just going to sleep like we normally do."



"In your parents house?"

"What? Do you have a problem with that?"

"Well, I think your parents, and my parents might."

"Brian, you know as well as I do that we're not doing anything. I happen to enjoy cuddling with you. Plus we are two consenting adults."

"You are right you know."

"Of course I'm right. Now don't worry about it now. It will take some explaining, but our parents will understand." I leaned over and kissed him. Slowly, the kiss became more intimate and soon we were making out, something we hadn't done before. It just felt like the natural progression of things. The make out session was more fun that it was passionate. Each of us seeking out the other's favorite spot to be kissed: me, it's my ears, for Brian, his neck. I played with Brian's hair, which he just adored. He would tilt his head back and practically purr. It was cute.

The one thing Brian's really sensitive about is his height, but it doesn't seem to bother him when he's with me. Probably because I was shorter than him by eight inches. When the guys would bug me about being so short, I would usually start telling them that they must have a hard time breathing because the air is so thin up there. They would always laugh at me. Brian's a wonderful kisser. His small lips fit just perfectly with mine. I was so afraid to go off and do a photo shoot with him because I didn't want the photographers to have a kissing shot. It was bad enough on the Monday after our first date. Everywhere I turned, there was the picture of Brian and I kissing on the beach. It was in the tabloids, in magazines, even on MTV. I was so upset. It was then that I vowed Brian and I would have no more public displays of affection.

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