I was lying in Brian's arms, kissing his neck when suddenly Shonee jumped on the bed. I rolled away from Brian and began playing with the dog.

"Hey you two," Ray said from the doorway, "feel up to driving into town for dinner?"

"Get down, Shonee," I told the dog. I then turned to Brian who shrugged his shoulders. "Sure, just as long as it's not too late when we get back. I'm already getting tired."

"Well, take a nap. We probably won't leave for an hour or so."

"Ok," I said and rolled over, placing my head on the pillow. I watched Ray leave and then scooted over and placed my head on Brian's shoulder. "Do you think we should tell them?" I asked, running a finger up and down his chest.

"Tell them what?"

"That we are in love?"

"I think they can tell, dear."

"Then why are we being so sneaky about it?"

"I think you are still thinking that there are going to be reporters or fans or someone with a camera around."

"Maybe," I said, yawning.

"Come on," he said, gently pushing my head back down on to his shoulder. "Get some sleep. I'm going to take a nap too. This time change is killing me." I drifted off to sleep with Brian's arm around my shoulders.

About an hour later, I awoke to my mother tapping me on the shoulder. "Get up, Becca. We're going to dinner soon." I opened my eyes and looked for Brian. He was standing in the doorway, looking as vibrant as ever.

"Don't make me get the ice water," he said, teasing me.

I quickly rolled off the bed, saying, "I'm up, I'm up." He had poured ice water on me only once before. The rest of the guys had dared him to do it. It had been a long day for the Boys. They had been out all day signing autographs and making appearances. Instead of being tired, they were full of energy, so they decided to drop by the house to see what I was up to. Well, I had fallen asleep on the couch. I remember feeling something really cold drip onto my cheek. That was seconds before I was drenched by ice cold water. I looked around for the person holding the cup. Brian tried to toss it to Nick, but wasn't quick enough. He started to apologize, but I just laughed. I told them to watch their backs because I had a squirt gun and I knew how to use it. We all had a good laugh over it and ever since that day, Brian has threatened me with ice water.

We went to dinner that night and all got to know each other a little better. My mom was finally starting to like Brian and Ray was already impressed. I think the thing that had them both shocked was when the food came. I had ordered shrimp and Brian had ordered a steak. Without even thinking about it, he slid his plate in front of me. I knew what he wanted: he wanted me to cut his steak for him. It's something his mother usually did for him, but since I had moved in, he liked me to do it. When he had asked me the first time, I about laughed at him. When I realized he was serious, I obliged. That night, my mom just looked at me. She couldn't believe I was actually cutting his meat for him. Brian noticed the looks and quickly chimed in, "I do know how to cut my own food, I just like the way your daughter does it. Each bite is just the right size, and this way we can share." I finished cutting the steak and put about half of it on my plate and then slid the rest back over in front of Brian. I smiled at him slyly.

The next two days were rather uneventful. We managed to explain to my mom why Brian and I slept in the same bed. It wasn't as tough as I expected. My mom agreed with me that we were adults and what we did was of our own accord. Brian and Ray went out and played golf. I never heard who won, but they had fun.

Tuesday morning, we drove back to Redmond and hopped on a plane to Fresno. It was a short little flight, only two hours. I told Brian that my dad would be there to pick us up from the airport.

"He doesn't trust us to find his house?"

"No, he just wants to be the first one to see you."


"I have to warn you about my dad, he's not like the other half of my family."

"What do you mean?"

"Well, he's kinda a throw back from the 60's. That's the only way I can describe him. Long hair, beard, kinda laid back. He calls my nose ring a 'metal booger.' And, well, I dunno what he's gonna say about you."

"We'll know soon enough, huh?"

"I guess we will." Just then the pilot came on and said that we would be landing shortly.

Once we landed and got off the plane, I started searching for my dad. Brian stopped and picked me up so I could see over the crowd.

"Put me on your shoulders, Babe," I told him.

"Hon, you know I can't do that," he replied, putting me on the ground.

"Yes you can. I've seen you squat four times my weight." Brian spent just about every day at the gym. If he wasn't at the gym, he was out on the basketball court. We didn't get to find out if Brian could put me on his shoulders because my dad found us.

"Looking for someone?" he said, tapping me on the shoulder.

"Yeah, you," I said, turning around. "Brian, this is my dad, Bryant."

"So you're the one who spells his name weird," my dad said as they shook hands.

"Yeah, 'I' not 'Y' and no 'T'," Brian said catching on quickly. I just grinned. I knew my dad would ask about the earrings and tattoo when I wasn't around. Now came the hard part: breaking the news to my sister, Ashley, that I was dating a Backstreet Boy. And then there was the really hard part of sleeping arrangements. As we gathered our luggage, I was lost in thought. Stacy, my stepmother, was going to have a fit when I told her that Brian and I would be sharing a bed. Brian and my dad talked the entire time we drove to the house. At one point my dad reached back and grabbed my knee. "You back there?"

"Huh?" I said coming out of my trance.

"What's your name, Rebecca?"

"Uh..." I hesitated.

"You flunk," he said. Brian laughed. "Wake up!" My dad pushed on my knee a couple times. "You've hardly said anything."

"Sorry, I was thinking."

"Does your head hurt?"

"Yeah, kinda," I replied. Just then we pulled up in front of the two story beige house that belonged to my dad. Brain and I climbed out of the white Mercury Sable station wagon and headed towards the back of the car. My dad came around and opened the back hatch so we could get our stuff. Brian yet again, carried my luggage without me asking. "Hey, Dad," I said, as we walked up the concrete path. "Where can we put our stuff?"

"The laundry room would probably be the best," he said as he opened the door. We walked into the entryway. The staircase on our left wound around to the second floor. Directly in front of us was a mirror and to our right was the family room.

"Wait here," I told Brian. "Is Ashley upstairs?" I asked.


"Good," I said heading up the stairs. I climbed the stairs and headed down the hallway and knocked on the second door before the rec room, which served as my brother's, Robert and Clayton's, room. "Ashley," I said, as I opened the door.

"Yeah," she said from the other side. She was sitting on her bed reading. She was twelve, had short brown hair and hazel eyes.

"You wanna come downstairs with me?"

"Sure," she said.

"You have to promise me something."


"No screaming." She cocked her head and looked at me funny. "Promise?"

"I promise," she replied, hesitantly.

"Come on." I led her out of her room, down the hallway and started down the stairs before her. When she turned the corner on the stairs, she stopped dead in her tracks. I was already on the bottom step and I turned to get a look at her face.

Her hands went to her mouth and she looked like she was about ready to scream. "Ah, no screaming, you promised," I told her. Her breath caught in her throat and she stammered, "You're...you're...B-b-b-b..."

"Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys?" Brian finished for her.

"Yeah," she said.

I grinned. That was easy enough. Stacy, my stepmother, my sixteen-year-old stepsister, Tiffany, fourteen-year-old stepbrother, Clayton and eighteen-year-old brother, Robert all came into the room to meet the man in my life. Clayton had a basketball in his hands. After we finished the introductions, and we had put our stuff in the laundry room, he turned to his mom and said, "Robert and I are gonna go shoot some hoops."

"Sure," Stacy said. "Be back by six."

"Hey, mind if I come guys?" Brian asked. He couldn't turn down a shot at shootin' around.

"Sure," Robert said.

"I'm coming too," I chimed in. Both my brothers groaned. "Not to play, just to watch Brian outshoot you guys."

"What, this little guy?" Clayton, who was six feet tall, said.

At the mention of his height, Brian's ears turned red. "Just cause he's short doesn't mean he can't play," I said, standing up for my man.

"True," said Robert, who was just about Brian's height. "Come on." The four of us headed out the door towards the elementary school.

When we reached the school, the boys just started shooting around. Before too long, they had challenged each other to a game of Horse. Brian was out there playing his little heart out, proving to them how he got his nickname, "B-Rok." It was really funny to watch my brother Clayton try to make some of the shots Brian did. Around six, we headed back to the house. Brian and I hung back, following Robert and Clayton.

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