"NO! NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! LET ME GO!" I screamed, struggling to get out of his grasp. "NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!" I was thrashing, trying to get away. Someone had their hands on me. Someone was whispering to me, "It's okay. You're safe. Wake up." I opened my eyes, still screaming. That's when I saw that it was Brian who had his hands on me. He was kneeling on the bed, with his eyes filled with pain. Nick was standing on the other side of the bed. In the doorway were Kevin, AJ, Howie and the owners of the B and B. I started shaking and crying. Brian wrapped his arms around me and whispered in my ear, "It's alright. No one's gonna hurt you."

"Is everything all right in here?" Kevin asked.

"It was just a nightmare," Brian whispered to me. He pulled away from me slightly and looked in my eyes. "Are you okay?"

I nodded, choking on tears.

"Things are now," Brian told Kevin. "Go back to bed. We've got this under control."

Kevin, Howie, AJ and the owners left and headed towards the dinning room. I overheard the woman, Mrs. Davenport say, "Come on boys, I'll make some hot cocoa."

"I'll join 'em," Nick said, sensing that Brian wished to be alone with me. When Nick left, Brian sat down beside me on the bed. I pulled my knees up to my chest and started rocking back and forth. "He's gonna kill me. He's gonna kill me," I whispered over and over to myself.

"Who's gonna kill you, Becca?" Brian asked softly.

"He is."

"No one's gonna hurt you, Becca. I'm here." I rocked myself back and forth as Brian placed his hands on my shoulders. "Is there anything I can do to help you?"

"R-r-r-read t-t-to me."

Brian reached for his Bible. "Any passage in particular?"

"Ps-Ps-Psalm th-thirty-four, V-V-V-Verse f-f-f-f-four."

Brian flipped to the page in his Bible and read, "I sought the Lord, and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears." I started repeating it to myself. "Becca, what was the nightmare about?"

"He was...he was in my house...he was telling me he was going to kill me...what am I going to do? Brian! What am I going to do?" The tears started flowing down my cheeks; I couldn't stop them.

"No one's going to kill you, Becca. I'm here for you. You have to trust me."

"I can't trust you."

"Why not?" He put his arms around my shoulders.

"Because you're just like him," I said, pushing myself out of his arms. "All you'll do is lie to me like he did."

"Becca, I'm not like that. I came all the way out here to prove that to you. Come on, let's go get you something to calm you down." He put his hand under my elbow, guiding me out of the bedroom and down the hall to the dining room. When I got there, I was overwhelmed with this thought that everyone was watching me. I broke from Brian's grip and ran back to his room. I flung myself on his bed and sobbed into his pillow. Brian raced after me.

"The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil..." I whispered the words to myself.

Brian was starting to walk into the room, but Kevin stopped him. "Psalm twenty-three," he said. "Brian, let her cry herself to sleep. It's the only way she'll get any rest."

"But I'm afraid she'll hurt herself."

"Don't leave her. Stay with her. Hold her. Comfort her, but let her cry." Brian walked over to the bed and gingerly sat down. He carefully tucked me into bed and then curled up beside me. He lay there cuddling me, stroking my back until I fell into a deep sleep.

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