I awoke the next morning with sunlight gleaming through the window into my eyes. Brian was curled up beside me and Nick was snoring softly across the room in his bed. I carefully got up, trying not to awaken Brian. I slipped into the bathroom and changed my clothes. I thought about leaving the sweatshirt, but it was windy outside, so I slipped it on over my tee shirt. I quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom and softly shut the door. I tiptoed down the hall towards the front door.

"Leaving us so soon?"

I turned around, startled. There was Kevin sitting on the sofa sipping coffee.

"I didn't think anyone was awake. Plus I have class."

"It's only seven-fifteen."

"It's a nine o'clock class."

"Ah. Taking off with the sweatshirt?"

I looked down. The sleeves were rolled up to my elbows. "Tell Brian he can come and get the sweatshirt around two at the bookstore on campus. It's the big white building next to the construction. I'll be standing outside."

"I think you're being inconsiderate of Brian's feelings."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't remember what happened last night?"

"No, what happened?"

Kevin closed his eyes. "I'll let Brian know."

"Thanks Kev." I walked out the door and headed to my car. I drove home and changed clothes, all the while trying to figure out what Kevin had meant. I slipped the Kentucky Wildcats sweatshirt over my X-Files tee shirt. I pushed the sleeves up to my elbows and glanced at myself in the mirror. I ran a brush through my hair, brushed my teeth and decided that I was presentable for my classes. I walked out of my apartment and hopped on my bike.

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