AUTHOR'S NOTE: The date of the Thursday that this section starts with is May 4, 2000, the day "The One" video was debuted on MTV.

At practice Thursday evening, things felt different. Brian was being somewhat distant. We worked together and to everyone else, nothing had changed. But I sensed that something was different. I felt horrible for turning him down, but I wasn't ready for a relationship.

I guess I wasn't the only one who noticed that Brian and I weren't happy. When Jen got there, she set her stuff down, assessed the situation and said, "Just because you two aren't getting any action, doesn't mean I can't have any." She then walked over to Howie and pulled him into a kiss. I had never known Jen to be the type to kiss someone, especially after only knowing him for a few short days. But then again, this was the same Jen that told her mom she wasn't going to have kids unless it was with a certain Latin Backstreet Boy.

While they were kissing, Mary rolled her eyes and groaned, "Ewwwwww! Public. Display. Of. Affection. Ewwwww!" I had to laugh at Mary.

When the two finally broke away, AJ slapped Jen on the back and said, "Do I get a kiss hello too?"

Jen turned to face Brian and I, ignoring AJ. "If you two don't straighten up, I'm going to knock you both upside the head into tomorrow," she said to us.

"Howie, calm your woman," said Brian.

"Becca, calm your boy toy and tell him to heal," Jen snapped back at Brian.

Kevin finally took the initiative to speak up. "Children," he said in an exasperated tone.

Howie, Brian, Jen and I all broke into fits of giggles. After being told by Kevin to behave, Brian and I tried to act civil towards each other. We still hardly talked. All he said to me was that he would be at my apartment to pick me up around six on Monday morning.

Sunday morning, as I was lounging around my apartment before work at two, there was a knock at my door. It was Nick.

"Nick, what are you doing here? Come in. What's wrong?"

Nick walked in my apartment. He looked disheveled. His hair was a mess and his clothes were wrinkled like he had been sleeping in them. "It's Brian."

"What about Brain? Has something happened?" I suddenly grew very concerned.

"He's been locked in our room since Friday. He won't take any food and he won't let me in. When we all ganged up on him, he let Kevin in. When Kevin came out ten minutes later he reassured us that Bri was okay. He said that he was praying."

"Let him be, Nick. He'll be all right. He's looking for answers. He'll be fine."

"But we have that show tomorrow and..."

"Nick, it's okay. I've done these prayers before. He'll be more balanced, more centered. It's hard to explain, but trust me, he'll be fine for tomorrow."


"Now go get some sleep and I'll see you tomorrow." I gave Nick a playful shove out the door. I knew what Brian was doing. He wasn't trying to scare his band mates; he was asking the Lord for guidance. He wanted to know what his next move should be. I should have been doing the same thing. I walked down to my bedroom and picked up my Bible from my nightstand. I started reading.

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