Chapter Fourteen

Off in the distance I heard voices. I recognized them as belonging to Brain and the rest of the guys.

Hey, anyone seen Lil' Rok anywhere? Brian asked.

There she is, sleeping over at that table, AJ replied.

Well, let's go wake her up! How can she sleep with all this noise? Howie inquired.

I dunno, but I'm heading over there, Brian said. I felt him tap me on the shoulder and I tried to open my eyes, I really did. As much as I tried nothing happened. I heard the rest of the guys come over.

What's the matter, Bri? Can't wake up your girlfriend? Kevin teased. Brian was shaking me and I still couldn't open my eyes. I wanted to tell them that I was okay, but no words would form. I couldn't even move. Brian leaned down and kissed me on the neck and then I head him get really panicked.

Guys, she's not breathing!

What?! The guys said in unison. I felt someone place their hands on my neck to check for a pulse.

Howie, call 911. Nick, AJ, help me get her on the floor. We need to start CPR, now! Kevin said, taking charge of the situation. I felt someone's lips touch mine and I knew they weren't Brian's. I could hear him praying off somewhere. I could hear Howie talking to someone on the phone. He was giving the location and that I had just stopped breathing. My mind began to thing of what had happened to me. Why were they so concerned? I was only asleep. Or was it true I wasn't breathing? Could it have something to do with the morphine?

I heard commotion around me. I think people had gathered around to see what was happening. I heard wheels moving towards me. I think it was the paramedics because new voices came to me. I felt myself being lifted onto something and a mask put over my face instead of the lips that were breathing air into me. Someone was asking how long I had been unconscious and how long I hadn't been breathing. They were also asking if there was anything they should know about; any reason as to why my heart would suddenly stop.

Not to my knowledge, Kevin said.

Wait, her doctor is Rebekah Williams and she's on morphine, Brian said.

Could she have overdosed? the paramedics inquired.

I don't think so, Brian told them. The stuff she's on keeps her from overdosing.

Oh, believe me, anything is possible, the paramedic told Brian.

I heard another voice say into a radio, I think, We have a possible drug overdose. Morphine. Contact Dr. Rebekah Williams. I then felt myself moving very smoothly, as if I was on wheels.

Where are you taking her? Brian asked very concerned.

Orlando General.

I then felt motion like I was in a car. I was lying down, so it felt really weird. Over the noise of the engine, I heard someone say, Got a pulse! It's faint, but it's there.

Later, I don't know how long, I heard Brian enter. I think I was in a room by myself.

How you doing girl? Brian asked me. What happened there? The doctors haven't been in yet to tell me what's happened. I'm so worried about you.

A little while later, Kevin entered. Cuz, I need to tell you something.


The reason Briann lost consciousness was because she had overdosed on morphine.

Why would she overdose? I mean she's only supposed to be taking it when she needs it.

Cuz, I think she's addicted.

No. She's not addicted. Brian was laughing at the thought of me being addicted to morphine. If I had been able to, I would have been laughing too. I wasn't addicted.

Brian, you're not listening to me. You're girlfriend overdosed on morphine. Why else would she do it? She wouldn't do it just to see how much it would take. She's addicted. Face it.

She's not addicted, Kevin. She needs it so she can function. Without it she can't move.

Then tell me why she had four times her allowed dosage in her system?

Maybe she forgot.

Brian, how do you forget injecting yourself three times in a matter of minutes?

Did I really do that? I know the morphine wasn't working right. Did I really inject myself three times? I couldn't remember.

I heard Brian sigh. I think he gave up the argument. He grabbed my hand and stroked it. How could you do this to yourself Briann? What was going through your mind? Are you in that much pain?

I don't think she was in pain, Kevin said.

Of course she was, Brian replied.

Well, maybe sometimes, but I don't think she was in pain all the times she was using the morphine. Maybe she thought she was.

Oh, Briann, please don't die. I need you here with me, Brian said to me. I fluttered my eyes to let him know I wasn't going anywhere. Kevin, she moved. She blinked.

Are you sure, Cuz?

Positive. Do it again, Bre. Come one, show Kevin that you're listening. Please. I blinked again to let him know that I heard him. See, she did it again! Come on Kev, believe me.

I saw, I saw.

Just then, I heard another voice enter the room. What seems to be all the commotion in here? It was my doctor, Rebekah Williams.

She's waking up, Doctor, Brian said.

I felt Dr. Williams take my other hand and say to me, Is this true, Briann? I blinked. Well, it does appear that she's coming out of it, but it may be a while. I felt her lift my eyelids and check my eyes. You were really lucky to get to her when you did, Brian. By what I can tell, she hadn't been down that long. There could have been serious complications, particularly brain damage. You saved her life, Brian.

But why would she do this to herself?

There could be many reasons. Morphine is very addictive. We had discussed it when I had initially put her on it. She could have liked the high she got off the drug. Or she could have thought she was in pain when she wasn't. There's really no way to know until we talk to her. The trick is getting her to admit that she's addicted. I want to put her in a rehab program, but she has to acknowledge her addiction herself, otherwise it's not going to help. She has to want help. I think the best thing you two can do for her now is to go home and get some sleep. We'll let you know if she wakes up, okay?

I felt Brian lean over and kiss my cheek and then heard everyone leave. I wanted to open my eyes, but they were just so heavy. I wasn't addicted. There was no way I could be.

To Chapter Fifteen
