Chapter Two

Brian and I became best friends after that first day in first grade. We were always singing together or playing basketball. His mom didn't like it too much, but Brian had her wrapped around his little finger. He begged and pleaded with her to let him play and eventually she gave in.

By the time we were in sixth grade, we were playing one-on-one. I beat him most of the time, but that was because I had a move I used against him. I would dribble the ball rocking back and forth on my toes and then when I had him following me, I would pivot around on my left foot and shoot at the net slightly off balance. It took me an entire summer to be able to make a shot off balance like that, but it always worked against Brian.

Brian and I were always playing ball together. It was our thing. Even when we would be singing in church, we would be thinking of new ways to beat the other, at least I was. In high school, both of us got cut from the basketball team because we were too short. It didn't make us happy, but we still had PE together. We loved the unit on basketball and it was hard for the teachers to get us to stop playing. Basketball was the only co-ed thing we did for PE. Everything else was divided by sex.

Brian and I ended up in a lot of the same classes in high school. We always had choir, math, English and history together. I hated math and Brian hated English, so we would often help each other in those subjects. Math was something Brian excelled at and English my subject. In history class, we usually passed notes about what we would be doing after school and whose house we'd study at.

We even worked for the same fast food place. That was fun. Our boss was always getting us confused. Our friends were always coming in to see us. They thought it was great that we worked together, especially when our boss was around. He would always mix our names and would just finally give up and call us both over.

I still remember that day in US History that Brian got a call from his cousin. It was April and we were all restless to get out of class and into the warm sunshine. Brian and I were sitting there, next to each other, passing notes back and forth about the spring dance and what we were going to wear. We weren't a couple; we just liked going to the dances together. All of a sudden, the door opened in the middle of the teacher's lecture. A student handed him a note and then waited there by the door.

"Mr. Littrell, you have a phone call," the teacher said.

Brian and I looked at each other, puzzled. We were never allowed to take phone calls, unless it was extremely important. Brian got up and followed the student out of the class and I believe to the office. I sat there the rest of class wondering what was so important to pull Brian out of class.

When the bell rang, I hurried out of class and practically ran to Brian's locker. I waited patiently until he showed up.

"Brian, what was that all about?" I asked.

Brian couldn't hide the excitement in his voice. "That was my cousin Kevin. You know, the one who works for Disney?"

"The one in Florida, who we're gonna go see this summer?"

"Yeah. Well, he and a couple of other guys are forming this group, kinda like New Kids on the Block and they want me in it!"

"But doesn't Kevin live in Florida?"

"Yeah, he wants me to go out there."

"What about school? What about your parents?"

"It's okay, Bre, we'll talk to them. They'll understand." Brian put his arm around my shoulder and walked me down the hall.

"But with you gone, who will I play basketball with?" I asked, not even trying to hide the sadness that I felt. I was losing my best friend.

"Oh, Bre, it'll be okay. You got my brother."

"Bri, he graduated."

"Oh yeah, huh. Well, you'll find someone."

"But what about graduation?"

"Hey, I'll get a tutor. Let's not worry about it, okay?"

I nodded and continued to walk with him.

The very next morning, Brian was on a plane to Florida. We kept in touch for a while. He told me all about the big plans that were in the works for this new group called Backstreet Boys. They were going to be the next New Kids. Then, one day, he told me that he had a girlfriend named Stephanie. I told him I was happy for him and eventually his letters stopped coming. I didn't see Brian again until graduation.

That day, at graduation, I met Stephanie for the first time. She seemed nice enough but she was very apprehensive of me. She thought I was out to take Brian from her. I assured her that Brian and I had been friends for so long that I couldn't ever see us getting together like that. I immediately didn't like her.

When it was time to go line up for the procession, Brian kissed Stephanie on the cheek and followed me. We put on our gowns together and stood around with all our classmates reminiscing about all the times we had shared. I didn't even mention that I didn't go to prom. I knew Brian had gone with Stephanie and I didn't want him to know that I had wanted to go with him since seventh grade. It broke my heart to see him so happy with someone else. I wished I were in Stephanie's place.

While we were sitting out amongst our classmates, waiting for our names to be called, he caught me up on all that had been happening. He told me that Kevin wasn't in attendance because he was with his girlfriend in New York. I felt bad for Brian because I remembered how he had been forced into going to Kevin's graduation. Finally they called our names: Briann Marie Michelle Little. I went up and collected my diploma from the principal. Then Brian's name was called: Brian Thomas Littrell. As I was walking off the stage to head back to my seat, I happened to open the case to glance at my diploma. It said "Brian Thomas Littrell." I stopped there at the end of the stage and waited for Brian. I looked at him and said, "They did it again."

He opened his case and looked at the diploma and laughed. We exchanged diplomas and then hugged. We linked pinky fingers and skipped back to our seats. Yes, we skipped. Brian does skip.

That was the last time I saw Brian for five years.

To Chatper Three
