Home Game Jitters © 2001 Being a cheerleader for the University of Kentucky did have its advantages. Not having to pay for school was really nice. I had been recruited right out of high school and now I was in my senior year of college and this was my last chance at glory. Not that I needed to be remembered. All the fans knew who I was. I was the shortest cheerleader on the squad so therefore I was the one on top of the pyramid and the one being tossed thirty feet in the air. Probably the biggest disadvantage was the time. Spending twenty hours a week perfecting routines didn't leave much time for a social life. It was the night before the last home basketball game of the regular season and even though the men and women's teams were continuing on the road to the Final Four and the cheerleaders were headed off to Orlando to defend their national title, I was still sad. I walked into the empty arena in my white and blue cheerleading uniform and headed over to the giant UK in the center of the basketball court. Once I reached center court, I stood there for a minute and stared up at the rows and rows of empty seats. The astounding number of seats would have made anyone catch their breath, but not I. I had performed when every seat in that arena had been filled. I stood there for another moment and then flung myself into a back handspring. When my feet touched the ground and I was again looking at the rows of empty seats, I yelled, "Go Cats!" thrusting my right fist into the air. My voice echoed through the empty arena. Behind me I heard someone clapping. I turned around quickly and saw a blonde haired man walking towards me. "I didn't think anyone was here," I told the man, finding myself glancing over his tight sleeveless tee shirt, his muscular arms and down his toned legs hidden in tight jeans before I looked into his beautiful blue eyes. "I didn't think anyone would be here either," the man drawled. I could tell from his accent that he was from the area, but may not have been living here recently. The lights in the arena suddenly started to fade. "Looks like they're closing down for the night," I commented, knowing the routine of the janitors fairly well. "Won't we be locked in?" the man asked me sounding concerned. "No," I replied shaking my head. "I can sneak you out the back way. I'm always using it. Coach doesn't mind, just as long as we don't trash the place." Right before the lights completely went out, I caught the man smiling at me. I lowered myself to the ground and watched in the dark as the man did the same thing. "So what are you doing here so late?" I asked him. "Well, I happened to be in town and I know the game's tomorrow, but I just thought I'd stop by and take a look around while things were quiet. What about you?" I watched as the man drew circles with his finger on the hardwood floor. "I usually come here when things get too overwhelming," I told him. It was entirely true. When I felt like I couldn't handle it anymore, I would head down to the campus and walk around the basketball court, just thinking. "So why are things so overwhelming tonight?" the man asked me. I sighed. "Tomorrow's my last game and well, I'm gonna miss this." I replied, drawing my own circles on the floor. I felt his fingers rub up against my calf and it sent chills down my spine. "My name's Brian," he drawled, breaking the silence that had settled between us. "I know," I whispered. How could one not know about Lexington's hometown hero? He had not only done a lot for our little college community, but also for the kids in the town. I was forever volunteering for the sessions his Healthy Heart Club for Kids put on. He smiled at me, flashing brilliantly white teeth. "My name's Susan," I told him. "I know," he replied softly. "I've been watching you for years now." I ducked my head at his reply. He stood up from the ground and walked away from me, glancing over his shoulder. He wanted me to follow him. I quickly scrambled to my feet and walked after him. He turned around and lowered himself into one of the chairs in the stands. "You know what I was wondering?" he asked. "What?" I replied, stepping up near him. I placed myself so I was standing right in front of him, our knees touching. "How much endurance you have?" I looked at him with a questioning gaze. His hands reached up and grazed my thighs. I shivered. He gripped the back of my thighs and ran his hands up my legs underneath my skirt. My mind was screaming at me to tell him to stop, but my body was longing for him to touch me more. His hands reached the waistband of my blue kickpants and slid into them easily, even though they were tight spandex. Before I had any chance to react he slid them and my thong underwear down to my ankles. I looked down into his blue eyes he just smirked at me. I ran a finger down the middle of his chest and stopped just above the waist of his jeans. I stepped out of my underwear, as I leaned over and undid his jeans, noticing the bulge that had formed. I ran my fingers over his boxer shorts. He gazed up at me, urging me on. I leaned over and captured his lips in my own, forcing my tongue into his mouth. He didn't mind and traced my teeth with his tongue. I felt him reach down and release his erection from its cloth prison and then reach up to my folds and trace my entrance. Feeling his fingers so close to me, made me wet with anticipation. He felt my juices dribble onto his hand and quickly inserted a finger, feeling around. He massaged my walls, trying to commit every inch of my interior to memory. "You're tight," he grunted, pushing deeper into me. I just grinned back at him and placed my hands on his shoulders to give myself a little more balance as he pushed my legs apart to get deeper into me. His thumb flicked over my clit for a moment and I gasped, clutching his shoulders as my knees threatened to give out on me. "You know what I think?" he asked. I glanced at him, slipping my tongue out of my lips as he probed my body. "I think you haven't had any in a while." I licked my lips, my mouth suddenly dry as a freshly pressed uniform. Just as I answered him, he moved his fingers. "You could say that," I grunted. He withdrew his finger and gripped my hips. Pulling me into his lap, he positioned his steel manhood at my entrance and very slowly lowered me onto him. "Lemme help in that dilemma." When he entered me, I felt my insides tearing away. I yelled, my voice again bouncing off the walls of the empty arena. He pushed me down so that I was all the way on him and then didn't make a move. He let me sit there, adjusting to him. I rotated my hips, more out of pain than out of the idea that it would pleasure him. But pleasure him it did. He groaned as I moved to the right and then left with him still wedged deep within me. He lifted my hips then, pulling me off of him. I wasn't naïve. I knew what he wanted me to do, but being a virgin at twenty-two, I needed a little guidance and my thoughts were a little erratic. I knew I had wanted to wait until I was married. I knew this didn't count as rape; I had consented. I also knew that he was a celebrity. But at the same time, when he started to lift me off of him, I attempted to resist. I had grown accustomed to the feeling of his length inside my warm body. He smiled at me and just continued to slowly lift me off him. He lifted me to the point that he was almost entirely out of me, the point that I was almost standing over him on my own again. Then as I watched he started to lower me back down onto him with a little more force this time. I caught on to his little game and began to play along. Allowing him to lead me and at the same time acting on my own accord, I began to ride him with slow steady strokes. I felt heat surging through my body and as he leaned in to capture my mouth with his, I half expected to spontaneously combust with all the heat I felt I was giving off. Even though I was going slowly, I still felt like I was undergoing a tremendous workout. I started to sweat, the perspiration leaking into tiny facets of my body. My breathing became labored, like the very first time I had practiced with the squad here at UK. There was also an entirely new sensation happening beneath my skirt. I couldn't quite describe it, but it felt amazing. I was starting to shake it was feeling so good. I never wanted this feeling to go away. At the same time, I felt this urgency to yell. Maybe it was the cheerleader in me. I started moaning, hoping I was telling him that what we were doing was good and not bad. He, in turn, moaned back and started to pick up the pace at which I was riding him. I looked at his sleeveless tee and saw that he was beginning to soak it in his sweat as though he'd been working out for an extended period of time. The sensation that was starting somewhere near my core was beginning to course through my body. I started shaking with it as I continued to ride him. I felt something happen inside my body, something squirting into me. He moaned loudly and I replied with my own yelling of his name. I leaned over and hugged his shoulders and he wrapped his arms around my waist. He was still wedged deep inside me and didn't make a move to change that. He rested his head on my shoulder only for a moment before pulling back slightly to look at me. "I've never done a cheerleader before," he commented, smirking at me. I just looked into his blue eyes for a moment before adding, "And I've never had sex before." He gawked at me and stayed that way for what seemed like forever. "You mean..." I blushed. "I'm sorry," he replied. "No, don't be. I couldn't think of a better way to end my cheerleading career here at Kentucky." He smiled again and very carefully lifted me off of him. I leaned over and picked up my underwear and stepped into them as he repositioned himself in his jeans. "So you know," he said standing up. "I'm gonna be singing the National Anthem at tomorrow's game." I groaned. "Now you tell me." He waved his hand at me. "Don't worry about it. No one will know. Just act natural. I've sung the Anthem before here." "I know. I've been at the games." I giggled. I couldn't stop smiling, which as a good thing because I was a cheerleader and that was what I was supposed to do: smile. And the smile didn't fade for two days.