
Well, I didn't finish my novel in November. The final count was something like 35,000 words. But now I am working on a new novel for National Novel Writing Year. This idea is sort of like National Novel Writing Month but with a few differences:

  1. You work in sessions ranging from 2 weeks to 3 months
  2. You write anywhere from 50,000 to 250,000 words during your session
  3. You can work on several novels or short stories at once
  4. You can even work on works in progress, but only the words written during that particular session count

Novel Title(s): The Diary and Untitled
Session Length: 2.5 months (began February 1; ends April 14)
Session Word Goal: 100,000 words
Word Count: 14,817
Last Update: February 29, 2004

If you would like to read my novels in progress click here.
