I don't consider myself an accomplished poet, but on occassion something comes to me that I just cannot help but put into words. Most of the time, these words form a story, but in that rare instance they don't, they form something else. A couple of these poems were written specifically for stories, but others were just inspired by things around me. I hope you enjoy them.


This is how I put the wonderful love Mary and I have into words. It's based on fact and is erotic poetry.

my darling dear
Yet another English class inspired poem about the love of my life.

Mary My Love
The love of my life, Mary, inspired this poem. It was just one of those things I wrote in my English class.

Voiceless Wind
This one was inspired by something my friend said while we were writing. As she said it I told her I could go on for pages on the phrase "voiceless wind" so I went on for a bit and this came out

That's What You Said
This was inspried by the quote "There's a right time for everything..." Brian Littrell said this on February 15, 2000 talking about his engagement to Leighanne to John Norris

Untitled I
This is one of two for the story Fighting AJ. You'll find it in part 11

Untitled 2
This is the second poem for the story Fighting AJ You'll find it in part 16

© 12/13/2001

this all was a dream
it had to be
there was no way this was happening to me
i wasn't lucky enough
i didn't deserve this
this was more than i could handle
this beautiful woman was loving me
loving my body
kissing me
touching me
feeling me
her fingers were everwhere
her lips were on mine
her tongue was fighting mine
her hands were fondling my breasts
pinching my nipples
moving down my body
caressing my skin
she dove inside me
causing my body to react
shaking, screaming, panting
the more she raveged, the more i screamed
eventually the pleasure overtook me
i pulled her close to me
this wasn't a dream
the pleasure was too great
she was my lover


my darling dear
© 12/11/2001

my darling dear
how do i feel
about the way you love me?

the golden yellow sunbeams
from your soul
radiate my heart

the crystal blue raindrops
from your eyes
moisten my spirit

the rich silver moonlight
from your mind
awakens my conscience

the deep red passion
from your heart
warms my soul

the greatness of your love
entwines with mine
so that we are one person

my darling dear
you are my heart
my soul, my world


Mary My Love
© 12/11/2001

My beautiful girl
Always there for me
Rich in love and intelligence
Yet vulnerable to life

Makes me feel
Young and vibrant

Life takes on new meaning
Opposite of what I thought
Very indepth and startling
Eveloping my being


Voiceless Wind
© 3/28/2001

It moves you
But you don't know why
There's something there
But you don't know what
It makes no sound
But you know it exists

This thing
It moves you
Makes you shiver
Makes you quiver
Makes you forget your problems
It moves you
In ways you never thought possible

Every hair on the back of your neck
Is standing at attention
On end, reaching for the sky
Your skin is riddled with goose pimples
Your body trembles
Your spine tingles

You hear something
Something so faint you think you imagined it
It tugs at your heart
Begging to be heard again
You strain to hear it
But nothing

Again, it moves you
Try as you might
You can't hear it
This thing
This thing you have come to know
It is a voiceless wind
Come to carry you home


That's What You Said
© 4/30/2000

"There's a right time for everything"
That's what you said
On the day you broke a million hearts
Most cried, some screamed
But in the end, it was accepted
"As long as you were happy," they claimed
Though not quite believing it

It took me a week
To get over the shock
The rumors were true!
I swore I wouldn't believe them
It wasn't true until you said it
Then, you said "Yes"
And my heart broke

But on that day
February 16 of the year 2000
You said something that I'll hold in my heart
"There's a right time for everything"
That's what you said
Words to live by
Thank you

The day you say "I do"
Is the day I'll never forget
Since I can't see you then
I'll continue to wait
Until the day I meet you
Because, as you said
"There's a right time for everything"

That's what you said
The day my heart borke
But I know it was never meant to be
You and me
I thought it was horrible,
You being engaged
But it's not

"There's a right time for everythig"
That's what you said
On the day my heart finally healed
I sobbed, I cried, but in the end
I realized you were right
There is a right time for everything
I've let go and I am free


© 4/30/2000

a beautiful rose
yet there,
beneath the leaves
lay thorns so sharp
they make it difficult
to grab hold of
so i'll admire from a far
that sweet, beautiful rose
till i can find a way
to get past the thorns
and hold you in my arms



my heart beats for you
it beats with a fervor
every time we argue
my heart beats for us
it beats with a passion
all the times we fuss
my heart beats for you
it beats because i love you


Please let me know what you think of my poetry. Email me.
