Brian's Scar © 2001 He looked so sweet and innocent lying there in the white sheets with little purple flowers. His left arm fell cleanly across his chest holding the sheet to his body. His right arm was lazily flung above his head, his fingers gently touching the headboard. Beneath the sheet, I could tell he was wearing a white tee shirt. The shirt had become commonplace recently. At twenty-three he had undergone open heart surgery and now that his chest was scared, he was very modest and embarrassed. He'd always been modest, but after the surgery, he wouldn't change his shirt around me or even go swimming with me. Beneath his lightly placed eye lids and long lashes were baby blue eyes. They were the most gorgeous eyes I had ever seen. They were also the storytellers of his life and feelings. I knew exactly what he was feeling whenever I looked into his eyes. I stood there, watching his chest rise and fall with every breath. He looked so peaceful that I didn't want to disturb him. I carefully lifted up the sheet and slowly slipped in beside him. I rested my head on his chest. Feeling my weight on his body, his right arm came down from above his head and wrapped around my shoulder. He mumbled something and turned his head towards me. He leaned over and kissed the top of my head. "What took you so long?" his whispered question echoed through the silence. "I didn't want to bother you," I whispered looking up at him. "You never bother me," he said, reaching his hand underneath the sheet. His fingers grazed the skin on my bare back. "Ooh, what's this? Is someone expecting something?" I climbed on top of him, feeling the cloth of his shirt and boxers against my bare skin. "Always," I replied, placing my lips softly to his. He kissed me back, wrapping strong arms around my body. My long dark hair fell over my shoulders brushing his. I pushed myself up, so that my chest was held above him but my lower body was still pressed firmly to his. I pulled my knees up straddling his hips. I allowed the sheet to fall down off my body, exposing my nakedness to his baby blues. I felt his erection grow beneath me but saw no other signs of his arousal. His hands stayed on my hips, not moving either up my body to my breasts or in towards my ever growing wetness. "Do you want me?" I asked him. "Yes," he replied breathlessly. I leaned over and kissed him again. I reached down and gripped the waistband of his boxers. He lifted his hips, allowing me to slide the fabric down his legs. Once his hardened shaft was released from it's cell, I lowered myself back onto his body. Lifting his manhood slightly with my fingertips and opening myself up to allow him entrance to my body, I carefully positioned myself over him. Slowly inching my way onto him, I pressed my body to his. Once he was fully inside me, I gripped his shoulders, using him as leverage to slide him in and out of my body. His hands snaked around my waist, holding me to him, but other than that, it was all up to me. Feeling his length slam into me at my own control only succeeded in turning me on more. I began to move faster, wishing him to fill me. I felt him press against the dime sized spot in my interior making me squeal in joy. I managed to make him rub against there several more times causing my muscles to contract in preparation for my coming orgasm. I felt everything in my body grow increasingly hotter and my breath start to come out in shallow gasps. The man beneath me, however, showed no signs of fatigue. Every muscle in my body contracted, including my walls around his penis, as he stroked the spot inside me one final time. I tightened my grip on his shoulders as I screamed my ecstasy. He just held onto me, letting me shake and shiver allowing me to come down from my high on my own. When I finally stopped shaking, I slowly slid myself off of him and helped pull his boxers back up onto his body. I positioned myself back on the bed, resting my head on his chest. "Thank you," I said. "You're welcome," he whispered back. I reached my hand down and found the hem of his shirt. Grabbing it slightly, I started to slide my hand up onto his skin. His hand flew to mine, stopping me in my tracks. "Don't," he said. "Why not?" I asked. "Just don't," he replied, throwing the sheet off of himself and sitting up. He got up and headed towards the door. "Brian, don't leave," I said, getting up and following him. He turned around to face me right before he opened the door. "You're always like this," he said. "You keep screwing me, thinking you'll get to see my scar, but I'm not giving in." "You know that's not why I'm sleeping with you. But why won't you let me see? Are you embarrassed?" He looked down at the ground, not bothering to make eye contact. "Brian, you won't even go swimming with me. What's wrong?" He continued not to look at me. "Brian, please, look at me." Brian looked up at me. There were tears in his eyes. "I'm ugly," he said softly. "No you're not," I replied, stepping closer to him. "You're plenty cute. You've got millions of adoring fans that would attest to that." "Yeah, but they've never seen the scar." He lowered his face back towards the floor. "You've never let them," I replied softly. "By everything I hear, they'd probably think it was cute and that it made you more endearing." I stepped right up in front of him and in one quick motion slipped his tee shirt off. He wasn't expecting it, but immediately covered his chest and flung himself to the ground crying, rolling over onto his stomach. I dropped to my knees and placed a hand on his back. "Brian, I know you're embarrassed about this. It's okay. You have every right to be upset about it." I moved my hand over onto his shoulder and gently persuaded him to roll over. I managed to get him over onto his back, but he was still clutching his chest, hiding his scar from my eyesight. The tears fell from his eyes unbelievably fast. I wiped them away and then pried at his hands. He wouldn't budge. "Brian, shhh. Just let me look. It'll be okay. I'm not going to think less of you. Come on, sweetie. Just for a minute." He started to loosen his hands from his chest, but just a little. I pulled and pried a little more and managed to get him to let go. I held his hands down as I glanced over his chest. Right there in the middle was a straight line. I ran my finger down over the scar and then leaned over and started to kiss him. I started at his lips and then moved down to the scar. I kissed the tip of it closest to his chin and then kissed all the way down his chest. I glanced back up at him. His bottom lip was clenched tight in his teeth trying to keep from trembling. The little salt teardrops still fell from his eyes. I slowly got up off the floor. Brian's hands went right back to covering his chest. "Brian, give me your hand." He didn't move. I reached down and grabbed his hands pulling him to his feet. "I know you think it's bad, but can you do me a favor? Look at yourself." I pulled him over towards the full-length mirror near the closet. He closed his eyes tightly, squeezing them shut so not to see his reflection. "Brian, please," I pleaded. His eyelids started to relax a little and I squeezed his hand. "Brian I'm right here. It's okay. Just look for a second, alright?" He nodded his head and slowly opened his eyes. Glancing down at the floor, it took him a long time to look up and face his reflection in the darkened room. His eyes fell on the straight line down the middle of his chest. He stared at it for a minute before reaching out towards the mirror to touch the place on the glass where the scar was. I ran my fingers down over his bare chest and gently traced the scar. He then did something I wasn't expecting. He reached out and pulled me into an embrace, kissing the top of my head. He held me there for a moment and then released me. He reached down on the ground and found his tee shirt. Slipping it over his head, he grabbed my hand and pulled me towards the bed. "Come on. Let's go to bed," he said softly. He allowed me to slide beneath the sheets first and then crawled in behind me. Spooning me, he slowly ran the back of his hand down my stomach. He flipped his hand over and gently pressed his fingertips to my skin. Before I had a chance to do anything, his hand slid down into the cavity between my legs. I was shocked at his boldness as he quickly found my lips and spread them. He swiftly forced a finger into me, driving as deep as he could. He had never fingered me before, I guess not wanting me to think I had more coming than what I did. Slowly he began thrusting his finger in and out of me. I began to move my hips in time with his thrusts, pressing myself back against him. I felt my body prepare for yet another climax as he leaned his head over my shoulder. I caught his lips in mine and kissed him just as my body released the waves of pleasure that had been building within me. "Oh my sweet sweet Brian. I love you!" I called as he continued to thrust into me with his finger. He kissed my ear, my cheek and finally my lips as I rode the wave back down to a reassuring calm. Slowly he pried his now wet and sticky finger from my core and quickly wiped it on the sheets behind him. He then wrapped his arms around me as I shook and shivered in my joy. "Baby, I love you," he said softly. "I love you too," I said. "I'll never ask to see your scar again." I tried to catch my breath as I told him this. "Its okay, sweetie. I'll let you see whenever you want," he replied kissing my ear.