Shoes © 5/9/2001 What's your most embarrassing moment? Do you remember? I remember mine; but then again, half the world saw mine. My pen pal Dixie and I decided to meet in New York to spend about a week there. I live in California and she lives in Toronto. We worked for weeks to try and arrange our flights so that we would get there around the same time. We flew in on a Monday in June and arrived around one in the afternoon. After hugging each other, collecting our luggage, we took a cab to Times Square. We both wanted to see the MTV studios and hoped to get on Total Request Live for that afternoon. The cab driver dropped us about seven blocks from the MTV studios and we took off walking after having paid him. We were within three blocks of the building when we noticed that the crowd of people began to get bigger. We were a block away when Dixie noticed the signs and that most of the people around us were females. I looked at her. "Did you know the Backstreet Boys were going to be here today?" she asked me. "No," I admitted. "How in the world did we NOT know?" "I have no clue," she replied. Just then, a group of fans pushed up against us. We were separated and forced into the crowd of about four thousand fans. The girls were all screaming, and I knew at that point that the show had started. I tried screaming for Dixie, but it was no use. She couldn't hear me. I began to shake, feeling an overwhelming fear of death overtake me. I started crying as more and more people pushed me around. No one paid any attention to me, thinking that I was just an overexcited fan. I began pushing back against the group of people, trying to get out of the crowd. I kept pushing and shoving, all the while tears were streaming down my face. I felt lightheaded and dizzy. I knew I was going to faint soon and I needed to be somewhere that I wouldn't get crushed. I somehow managed to force my way to the front of the crowd. I was pushed right up against the metal barricades. Near me a cameraman stood with a camera as well as a police officer. Just as I reached the barricade, my knees weakened and I slumped against the metal. I caught myself under my arm and kept from falling on the hard concrete beneath me. I rested my forehead on the metal, expecting it to be cool, but instead it was warm. I was only lying there with my head on the barricade for a few moments when four big men came near me. One of them tapped me on the shoulder. I glanced up. "Miss, come with me, please," he said. "What's your name?" I stared at him with blurry, tear-filled eyes before answering "Becca." Two of the other men came and helped me over the barricade. They looped their arms under my shoulders and practically carried me to the entrance of the studios. None of the fans protested, they all thought I was being taken to the infirmary. I thought that's were I was going as well, but as we entered the building, the man who ad tapped me on the shoulder said, "Do you think you can walk?" "Yeah, I think so," I said, tears still spilling out of my eyes. The four men helped me into an elevator and we rode upstairs. Getting off the elevator, still shaking like a leaf, I almost fell. The men hefted me up and led me down a hallway. I was led into what appeared to be an empty studio. But when I lifted my head, I saw Carson Daly standing there next to the Backstreet Boys. The studio had been emptied of people and the men and the crew were the only one's there. The instant I saw the Backstreet Boys, the tears stopped flowing and the convulsions subsided. I was completely calm. Behind me I could hear one of the producers curse my calmness. The Boys all waved their hands telling me to come near them. I walked very slowly away from the security men just in case I fell again. "Her name's Becca," one of the security people said. I made it to the six men and they surrounded me. "We thought you were going to faint out there," Latino Howie Dorough said. I nodded my head in understanding. "Are you okay now?" tall dark Kevin Richardson asked placing his left hand on my shoulder. I glanced down at his wedding band before nodding my head again. Nick Carter looked at me with piercing blue eyes. "Was that just an act to get to see us?" he asked. I shook my head. I felt my stomach start to turn and decided not to open my mouth. "Come on Nick," AJ McLean said. "You saw her. She was obviously panicked." "Everything will be fine now," Brian Littrell said, placing his arm around me. "And we'll be right back with the top five," Carson Daly said into the camera. I couldn't hold my stomach any more. I thought the cameras were off. Well, they had gone to the commercial sequence, but they were still rolling. I leaned over at the waist, clutching my stomach. Before I had a chance to run for a garbage can, the bathroom, anywhere but where I was, I lost my lunch. Everything that was in my stomach ended up on the floor before me. The men around me made their various yelps of surprise and tried to step back, but it was no use. My vile, disgusting vomit had ended up all over their shoes as well as mine. I started crying immediately. "I'm so sorry," I sobbed, as I was led over to a corner so a clean-up crew could get to work on my mess. "No, it's okay," Nick said. "No it's not," I cried, burying my face in my hands. I lifted my face and Howie was right there with tissue, not only dabbing at my tears, but also wiping the corners of my mouth. Kevin handed me a paper cup full of water and a larger empty cup. I poured the water into my mouth, swished it around a bit and then spit the water into the other cup. Brian was the first to make a comment about what I had done. "I never liked these shoes anyway," he said, smiling at me. I glanced at him and broke into a fresh batch of tears. "No, seriously," he said, "I never liked them." He placed a hand on my shoulder. "Leigh bought them for me and I just never told her that I hated them. She made me wear them today," he said chuckling. I stared at him and slowly started to chuckle through my tears. "You know, one of these days, you're gonna look back on this and laugh," AJ said as he lifted one foot and then the other glancing at his soiled shoes. "So now what are we going to do?" Carson asked. "Do the interview barefoot?" I asked sarcastically. I didn't think anyone would take me seriously, but I watched as each man started to slip out of his shoes and then slide their socks off. "I was kidding," I said. "No, it's a good idea," Kevin said. I looked over at the floor where I had literally spilled my guts out in front of the Backstreet Boys. The mess had been cleaned up. "Are you okay now?" Carson asked me. I nodded my head as AJ asked, "What happened?" "It was a panic attack," I said. "I've had them before, but never that severe." I wiped the tears on my cheeks away. "Look at it this way," Nick commented, "at least we'd gone to commercial." We all walked back over and took our spots. Carson looked at us. "Well, actually we weren't completely gone yet," he said. I stared at him. "We'd actually gone to a wide shot at that point. They cut rather quickly when they saw what was happening, but..." "You mean, the world saw that?" I choked out. "Yeah," he said softly. I groaned and sank to the floor, pounding my head softly on the shiny, slippery surface. I had puked on the Backstreet Boys' shoes and in front of millions of people. I knew I was never going to live it down.