The Eighth Deadly Sin: Dating a Backstreet Boy (c) 6/21/2001 They walk into the hotel room hand in hand. He sits down in the chair across from this interviewer and pulls her into his lap nibbling on her ear. Their surprising display of affection doesn't shock or astound. In fact it seems comforting and natural. One instantly knows the man: Brian Littrell of the Backstreet Boys. One recognizes the woman as his girlfriend, but no one is really aware of anything but her name: Becca Luttrell. Putting Brian's name into any Internet search engine yields thousands of websites. Putting Becca's name in yields the same number of sites only ninety percent of those for Becca are hate sites. The fans despise her. She has committed the eighth deadly sin: dating a Backstreet Boy. **So how long have you two been together? "Two years," they answer together. They laugh. **How'd you meet? Brian answers: "I met her at a party. It was..." "In Los Angeles," Becca finishes. "It was a party for up-and-coming acts. I was there with another man." "Her boyfriend. He was the talent; she was the arm candy. He left her alone and I dove in." "Like a knight in shining armor coming to my rescue." "Needless to say, she left with me." "My 'boyfriend' and I were long since over at the time of that party. He just wanted someone to be on his arm. I was that someone." "I knew from the moment I saw her that she was someone special." Brian kisses her cheek as I fumble for my next question. **What was the rest of the group's reaction. Brian comes alone but leaves with someone. Brian fields this one. "Oh they were shocked at first. AJ congratulated me; Kevin just reminded me of my upbringing. There was no reminder necessary. I just took her to coffee after the party and then took her home. Nothing happened, though everyone likes to think something did." **When did he ask you to be his girlfriend? Becca smiles at the memory. "Three days later, on our second date. It was actually very romantic and sweet. He was leaving the next afternoon and he took me out to dinner that night. It was a quiet little restaurant in the Valley. We were sitting there by candlelight staring into each other's eyes over the wineglasses. He suddenly asked my last name. When I told him, he immediately asked my background. I told him that my family had come to California during the Gold Rush and that we were originally from Texas. He heaved a huge sigh of relief and an even bigger one when I spelled my name for him. He then said, 'This may sound bold, being I just met you, but would you be my girlfriend?' I didn't even bat an eyelash before telling him yes. I love the way he pronounces our last names. The way he says them, they're different. The way I say them, they're the same." **So let's get right down to it. Why do the fans hate you? "Because I've committed the eighth deadly sin," she says with all seriousness. "I'm dating a Backstreet Boy. I'm kissing a Backstreet Boy. I'm sleeping with a Backstreet Boy. I say to the fans that Brian isn't available. The fact that he's happy, that we're happy, phases no one." **How do you deal with it? "I try not to let the fans run my life," Becca replies. "Don't let her fool you," Brian adds. "She's spent many a night crying because the fans have made a low blow on a website. She's changed her phone number four times now. I try to defend her whenever I can. I guess that's why we're here. I just want the fans to stop." Brian pauses, and a tear runs down his cheek. Becca catches it on her finger. "I just don't get it," he continues, the pain seeping into his voice. "I mean, I just don't see why the fans can't accept the fact that I'm happy." "You know why, Brian," Becca tells him, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "We've got a major population of young girls out there upset. Granted, a lot of the older fans are supportive and trying to help in the problem, but it's not fun. I guess those are the breaks when you're dating a teen idol," she says to me. Brian, who has been sitting there silent and unmoving while his girlfriend talked, suddenly lifts his head and looks directly at me. "If the death threats don't stop, I'll quit the group." **This is serious then. There have been death threats? "Tons," Becca replies, completely ignoring Brian's statement. It then hits her, what he's said. "Aw," she replies. "Brian, are you serious? Would you really quit for me?" "Yes," he says softly. I sit back and watch the two of them. This was obviously something they hadn't discussed; yet Brian had thought a lot about his statement, a whole lot more than the ten seconds it had taken Becca to talk. "It's not just the fans," Becca says after a time. "It's my family as well. They hated the fact that I moved to Florida to be with Brian. My mom likes Brian don't get me wrong. But she doesn't like the fact that we're living together and sharing a bed." With his eyes closed, Brian adds, "Becca keeps me grounded, level- headed. We go to church together, pray together, share our lives." He opens his piercing blue eyes and stares at me. "We were lying in bed last night discussing this interview and she asked me if I'd love her if I wasn't a Backstreet Boy. I told her I would love her no matter what our circumstances were. She curled up beside me, sobbing. The anti-Becca sites, the hate campaigns really hurt. It's straining our relationship, but not in the way everyone thinks. It's only making us stronger, not pulling us apart." **Why do you think the fans targeted your relationship and not, say, Nick's? "It's more than popularity," Becca says. "If it was just that, everyone would be jumping all over Nick. But I think it's because Brian is seen as the religious churchgoer, the one with the Southern Gentleman charm and morals. The fans see me as trailer trash, as trying to move in on family money. They paint me as a slut, as corrupting his values, as 'stealing his virginity,' as one fan zine says." "I wasn't a virgin when I met Becca," Brian admits. "She didn't steal anything but my heart." I know at that point, that this interview is over. I had interviewed Brian previously, and comparatively, he was a different person. Brian, or B-Rok as he is called, is usually hyperactive, trying to get laughs out of people. He is also usually more concerned about others than he is himself. This part of him hasn't changed. He is more concerned about his girlfriend's well being and safety than he is his career. Or maybe he *is* concerned about his career but realizes where his priorities actually lie: in his own happiness. Becca, for her roles in this situation, is very put together. She tells me after I tell her this that she was "trained" for this. The management obviously wanted to keep this as clean as possible. I think Brian admitting he'll quit if it doesn't stop just blew a hole in their squeaky clean handling. I get up from my chair, collect my notes, thank them and head towards the door. As I reach for my exit, I glance back over my shoulder at the two of them. They have already crawled up on the queen-sized bed coddling each other. I smile as I leave quietly, knowing that no amount of death threats and hate mail is going to break that couple up.