The Truth & The Shadows

Disclaimer: The characters of Fox Mulder and Dana Scully and all other subsequent characters are owned by Chris Carter, Twentieth Century Fox, and TenThirteen Productions and are used without permission.

The characters of Kym Cooper, Sam Ellis and David Miller are my creations and had better not show up anywhere else on the web or I will "hunt you down and so help me God..."--Dana Scully, Triangle.



This story was inspired by a message posted to the news group. Click here to read the post. This is not a "shippy" story, it is simply a short story I wrote about Mulder in high school. The high school itself does exist, click here to go to their web page, but as far as I know, the characters don't. It briefly mentions his first love, but I left that up to your imagination.

The Bee
Yet another story that was inspired by a message posted to the news group. Click here to read the post. This story is just something I got stuck in my head. When I started writing it, I had no idea what I was going to take from Mulder's apartment. Then I remember something small that would fit in the palm of my hand.

The Photograph
Remember the episode where Mulder was wearing a wedding band? Well this is my idea. No, it does NOT involve Diana Fowley. There might be another part to this story, but I haven't decided yet. Let me know if you think I should continue this story.

Affirmations--By viXen

Rated: NC-17. I came across this fanfic on The Gossamer Archives. When I read this story, I immediately liked it. Most fanfic I have found have no resistence on the part of Mulder or Scully, they just go at it. But this one had some hesitation on Scully's part. viXen has written other fanfic that are available on The Gossamer Archives


Full Circle
This story starts off as a Mulder/other relationship, but it will eventually lead to a Mulder/Scully relationship. It is as clean as I can possibly make it (I'm not really into all that yucky stuff). Aside from the occasional swear word you will find this story to be rated about PG-13 for content and some violence.

Nine Minutes
This story was inspired by something I read somewhere. I once heard Gillian Anderson say that she thought the series would end with Mulder and Scully losing nine minutes and ending up in bed together. Well, that's what this story is about, though a little more involved than just that. At the moment it's not rated.

Cyber Cop
This story is the first story hopefully in a series. It is a spin-off to The X-Files, in my opinion. Kym Cooper and David Miller are FBI agents assigned to the new Internet division that handles Internet stalking, kiddy-porn and other illegal operations found on the Internet.

Purple--By Moonbeam and myself
This story was started on The Unofficial X-Files Forum. Moonbeam and I are currently working on so it will be updated frequently. As of right now, your guess is as good as mine as to how this story will turn out.