#11 Irreverent XF Question of the Week

Posted by CarriePI in the alt.tv.x-files news group.

Note from Carrie: Hiya guys! My friend Melissa conjured up this one and sent it to me via email. I liked it so much that I wanted you all to have the opportunity to answer it.

"The X-Files" is not a TV show --- it is reality and all characters are real people. You, being a HUGE conspiracy buff decide to pose as a U.S. Government Census Taker in order to have an excuse to show up on the doorstep of your favorite X-Files character.

________________________(your favorite character here) falls for your ruse and lets you in to his/her humble abode. You start to ask a bunch of phony questions, when you are interrupted by the phone ringing in the kitchen. He/she excuses himself and goes to answer. There proceeds a lengthy and loud conversation, as (your favorite character) is obviously having a heated argument with (whomever he or she is most likely to have a heated argument with).

Having no morals or values, you decide to steal one (1) item from his/her home that will fit in your pocket, purse, or briefcase. As the heated telephone argument ensues, you mouth to him/her that you will come back at a more convenient time and you wave bye-bye. After driving a considerable distance, you pull over to the side of the road, retrieve your souvenir, and gloat over it.

What did you take?
