-------- Untitled by Agent Kym and Moonbeam ------------------------- "Mulder, we need to talk," Special Agent Dana Scully said as she walked into the basement office she and her partner, Fox Mulder shared. Mulder looked up from the paperwork he was working on. "About what?" Scully walked towards Mulder. She put her hands on either side of his name plaque on his desk. She leaned forward and whispered, "About our relationship." Mulder leaned back in his chair and laced his fingers together. "What about it?" "Why haven't we done this?" She grabbed his tie, pulled him close to her and kissed him passionately. When she finally let go of him, she stared at him, waiting for an answer. "Uhhh...well...ummm...I-I-I-I don't know, Scully." His breath caught in his throat. He closed his eyes. When he opened them, Scully was no where to be seen. Suddenly, the door to his office swung open. Scully stood in the doorway looking very determined. "Mulder, we need to talk," she said, sending a chill down Mulder's spine. Scully walked up to his desk, placing her hands on either side of his nameplate. She leaned forward and whispered, "We need to talk about our relationship." "But we already did..." Her voice turned shrill "When?!" "Just now..." Scully shook her head and ignored his comment. "Mulder, why haven't we done this?" She grabbed his tie, pulled him close, and shoved her tongue down his throat. They pulled apart and Scully stared at him as he caught his breath. "Um...I don't know..." He closed his eyes, and when he opened them, Scully was gone. But then the door swung open and Scully walked in. Mulder jumped from his chair and said, "What the hell is going on?" "What are you talking about, Mulder?" As Scully walked closer to him, Mulder backed away from her. "If I kiss you again, everything will start over again..." "What? Are you feeling all right?" Scully went to put her hand on his forehead but he backed away toward the door. Without saying anything, Mulder went out and slammed the door behind him. He looked around for a moment, then headed toward the elevator. The little bell rang, and he was about to get in, when Skinner walked out. "Mulder, I'm glad I caught you." Mulder looked up at him. "You look a little flustered...Is something wrong?" "No, sir, not at all. What can I do for you?" Skinner pulled him toward a corner, despite the fact that no one else was there. "We need to talk." "About what?" Skinner whispered, "Our relationship." Mulder's only response was his eyes widening. "Mulder, why haven't we done this?" Skinner grabbed his tie, pulled him close, Mulder closed his eyes, and- He was sitting at his desk. Suddenly, the door swung open and Scully walked in. Mulder semi-screamed, "AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!" He startled Scully. "What?! What is it, Mulder?" He got up. "I have to get out of here." He rushed out the door. He glanced at the closed elevator doors and took off down the hallway in the other direction. Mulder practically ran down the stairs to the parking structure beneath the J. Edgar Hoover FBI building. When he found his car, he jammed his key into the lock on the door. He went to turn the key and wound up with part of it in his hand. "Damn!" He leaned his head against the cool car window trying to think of what to do. He looked inside and saw his house keys sitting on the passenger seat of his 1993 red Ford Taurus. He turned away from the car and ran a hand through his short brown hair. Now what am I going to do? He thought to himself. "Need help?" Mulder turned around and there was Scully walking towards him. "Yea, I guess so. Key broke off in the door and my apartment keys are locked in the car. Is there anyway I can crash at your place tonight?" "Sure, Mulder. But it's only nine in the morning." "Oh, well, you never know. They might not be able to fix it today. I'm just covering all my bases." "You and your baseball..." Scully started walking away toward her car. "Come on, Skinner gave us a case and we're on the next flight to Omaha." Mulder mouthed, 'Omaha?' before following her. Once landing in the beef state, they got on another, smaller flight to Lincoln, the capital. On the short plane trip, Mulder looked at Scully mischievously and asked, "Hey, Scully, do you know the other forty-nine capitals?" She just rolled her eyes and looked away. Upon arriving at Lincoln, they rented a car and found their way downtown to the office of Steve Canton, a small loan business that worked mainly with nearby farmers. He smiled and rose from his desk as Scully introduced them. "Yes, I'm so glad you came. I didn't think the FBI was going to get to this so soon." Mulder asked, "It seems that your clients are having some problems with their livestock lately?" "Yes, it's very odd. Very odd indeed." He pulled open a desk drawer and looked through its contents. "I would have sent this with the rest of the report, but I didn't know if I should at the time. Now I realize that it's very important. The local sheriff says that the whole incident is nothing more than some college kids getting into their cow tipping." Scully repeated, "Cow tipping?" "Yes, but it just can't be." Mulder asked, "And how do you make that presumption?" Canton took a piece of paper out. "Well, first off, it isn't possible. Do you know how much a healthy full grown cow weighs? It'd take a lot of college kids to knock him over, and I think that'd attract some attention. That, and this." He handed Mulder and Scully a picture of a cow, tipped over and dead, which was completely purple. Canton went on. "The vet that examined him said that he wasn't painted, poisoned, or anything else. It's like he just tipped himself over and died. And that purple color appears to be natural, except he wasn't that color the day before." Mulder and Scully looked at each other. X x X x X Mulder, Scully and Canton arrived at the crime scene. As they approached the cow, Scully was about to say she couldn't believe her eyes. But before she could say a word, Mulder snapped on a latex glove and bent down next to the purple cow. "Scully, look at this." Scully squatted down next to Mulder. "These marks around the neck. What do you make of them?" Scully pulled a latex glove out of her pocket and slid it on her tiny, feminine hand. She looked at the gouge marks on the purple cow's neck. At first she didn't see anything, then a piece of glass glinting in the Nebraska sunlight caught her eye. She slowly and carefully extracted it from the cow's slashed neck and placed it into a plastic baggie. Mulder shrugged. "Who knows?" Scully looked at him skeptically. "Nothing? Mulder, I'm surprised. You usually have some explanation, despite how strange or unusual it sounds." Mulder smiled. "Must be my off day." Scully shook her head and looked down at the cow. Scully walked into Mulder's motel room at the Congress Inn. "Hey, Mulder-" Mulder ran to the bathroom with a small towel about his waist. "Jesus- Scully, can't you knock?" "Don't worry, Mulder. I'm a medical doctor. You don't have anything that I haven't seen before." She smirked for a second and then got back to business. "The report on that piece of glass came back from the lab." Mulder called from the bathroom, "And?" Scully opened the folder she brought with her. "It seems that the glass was projected into the cow's neck, like it was resulting from a glass object being broken and the pieces flying. The cow just got in the way." Mulder poked his head out. "Could they identify the glass?" "No. They said it was a clear, thin glass, found in most household drinking glasses. It could have come from anywhere." Mulder walked out in sweats and a tee shirt drying his hair with a towel. "But how did it get into the cow when that was the only glass at the scene?" "I don't know, Mulder, but it may account for the fact that the cow wasn't killed by the piece of glass. There wasn't any poison or harmful substance on it, and it wasn't large enough to do any real damage on such a large animal." "Then what did kill it?" "I called the vet doing to autopsy and they said they haven't come up with anything yet. I did, however, find the owner of the cow. In fact, he's the owner of all the cows that have died this way in the last two weeks." "Well, let's go." Upon driving up the gravel driveway on the farm close to Denton, Wayne Klein slowly stepped down from the seat of his tractor and eyed the rental car suspiciously. Mulder and Scully got out and walked toward him. Scully called out, "Excuse me, are you Mr. Wayne Klein?" "Yep. Who'r you?" "My name is Special Agent Dana Scully. This is Agent Mulder." They flashed the badges. "We're with the FBI. We're investigating the strange deaths of your cattle." "The police done tol' me that it was those dern college brats out drinkin' and havin' fun." Mulder replied. "We've found that to be false. It seems that your cows died for no reason at all." "How's that?" Scully replied, "We haven't gotten the report on the last one yet, but it seems that the cows just died with no trauma. Their hearts just stopped and they stopped breathing." Klein caught Mulder leaning on the large tire of his John Deer. "HEY!" He startled Mulder so much that he fell back into the freshly plowed soil. "Don't you be touchin' somethin' you don't know 'bout." He looked back at Scully. "I don't know what you're talkin' 'bout. Those cows were killed by those kids at that Husker college and there ain't nothin' more too it." Klein started toward his house. Scully called to him, "Then how do you account for their purple color?" Klein stopped and looked back. "They got that spray paint they use to paint all ther gang graffiti." Then he turned again and kept walking. Scully didn't say more. Mulder called from his seat on the dirt, "Hey, Scully. Check this out!" Scully jogged over and knelt down beside him. His hand had landed on a piece of glass and was badly cut. Scully took out a handkerchief and rapped his hand in it. "Oh Mulder.." "Scully, look." He held up the bloody piece of glass. "It's the same glass." Now that it was a bigger piece, they could see it better. The thin glass was a light shade of purple... After patching up his hand with the first aid kit the motel manager provided, Scully went back to Mulder's room with him. He sat on the bed and held the small plastic bag up to the light with his good hand. "What do you think it is, Scully?" She sat down next to him. "It could be nothing. It could be just a coincidence. They were his cows. It could just be ordinary glass." Mulder looked at her. "Coincidence? On the X-files?" Scully smiled. "I guess you're right, Mulder. There must be something amuck." Mulder smiled. Then he realized that there was an awkward silence. Then he remembered his strange morning experience. Before he could try to remember whatever happened with his house keys, Scully leaned over and kissed him full on the lips. Mulder fought the urge to resist. Scully didn’t stop. A few hours later, everything was dark except for the red neon light glaring through the window. Mulder sat up in his bed and tried to catch his breath. Sweat glistened on his forehead. "Oh wow..." A feminine hand reached from behind him and gripped a love handle softly. "In a minute, Scully. I have to get my breath back." Mulder decided to get a drink of water, but as soon as he stood up, he collapsed to the floor. Scully quickly sat up. "Mulder?" He couldn't get up. He was so dizzy... Scully threw the sheet around her and rushed to the floor. "Mulder, are you all right? Talk to me..." Mulder slipped away into unconsciousness as Scully noticed a small patch of his skin on the upper part of his right arm, the one with the cut on the hand, had a slight shade of purple to it... Scully carefully examined Mulder. His whole hand had a slight purplish tint to it. Fortunately he was still breathing. She grabbed the phone and dialed 9-1-1. "9-1-1. What is your emergency?" the operator said. "Yes, this is FBI Special Agent Dana Scully. I have an agent down at the Congress Inn. Room 13." "An ambulance is enroute." "Thanks." Scully hung up the phone and looked her partner. He was lying on the floor with only a blanket around his waist. She was only in a sheet. She figured she'd better get dressed before the paramedics arrived. She threw on the clothes she was wearing earlier. Just then, the paramedics showed up. They came rushing in wheeling a gurney and carrying an orange tackle box. "What seems to be the problem here?" The lead paramedic asked. He was medium in height and build with blonde hair and blue eyes. "He fell on a piece of glass several hours ago. He just now lost consciousness." They put Mulder on the gurney and wheeled him out into the ambulance. As they drove away, Scully couldn't help but wonder what was going on. A short time later, Scully walked into the emergency of Bryan Memorial Hospital wearing the same clothes as before. She had just come from the lab downtown and rushed in with the file in her hand. She went up to the nurse at the front desk. "My name is Agent Dana Scully. My partner Fox Mulder was brought in earlier?" A doctor passing by overheard her. "You're the one who called the paramedics, right?" She looked at him. The nurse didn't say a word and went back to her work. "Yes. What's wrong with him?" The doctor pulled her aside. "Well, to be frank with you, we don't know." Scully looked at him unbelieving. He went on. "We've run a countless number of tests. Poked and prodded him, we've done everything we could think of. We can't find a single thing wrong with him." Scully's eyes widened. "How could that be? Something has to be affecting him..." "I know, I know, but the tests reveal nothing." "How many times did you run them?" Before he could answer, Scully snapped, "Well, run them again!" Scully walked down the hallway before he could respond. About ten feet away, she opened the medical chart she took from the doctor and looked it over. Nothing. She went to the room number he was at. She looked in the little window before opening the door. She couldn't believe her eyes. She slowly entered the room as she gazed at Mulder. He lay in the hospital bed in a coma, and all sorts of machines, and his entire body was covered in a dark shade of lavender. Just as Scully reached the foot board and laid the medical chart on the bed, the doctor walked in. "Excuse me." She looked at him. He stepped forward and held up a plastic bag. "I believe you dropped this as you stole my chart." Scully didn't say a word. She simply stared at the purple glass dangling in front of her face. She mumbled, "But it doesn't make any sense..." "I assure you, it's yours." "No, this glass. This is the key. There was a cow that was afflicted with the same thing that Mulder is and we found a piece of this glass inside it. Mulder cut his hand with that very piece, and now..." The doctor looked it over. "What's in it?" "Nothing...apparently. Tests revealed nothing." "That doesn't make sense. They have to say something." Scully glared at him. "So should yours." He didn't respond. He continued to look over the glass. Scully noticed an itch on her hip and scratched it, but it only got worse. Then she suddenly stopped and a look of terror spread across her face. The doctor noticed. "What?" "I think it can be transmitted to other people." X x X x X Their rental car screeched into Klein's gravel driveway. It was near five AM and Klein had just gotten up. He stormed up to the car. Scully quickly got out. "Who t' hell you think you are t' come back here an'-" Scully held up the plastic bag. "Where did this come from?!" He glanced at it. "I dunno." Scully drew out her gun. "You have exactly five seconds to tell where this came from and what's in it before I have to use this!" His eyes widened and he couldn't take them off the gun. "I don't know, I tell ya! There was this weird lookin' vase thang in the last shipment of feed an' I didn' see it an' it broke! I figgered it waz jes some toy or sumpin' like that from McDonalds or somewheres!" Scully lowered the gun. "Where did the feed come from?" "I-I-I kin go git the number." "Then go." Klein rushed off. Suddenly, Scully became dizzy. She fell back and leaned against the car. She lifted her shirt up and looked down. The purple had spread upward over her stomach and beyond her view. She dropped the hem of her shirt and looked up to the house. Klein was running back with a small piece of paper. She took it and put away her gun, bringing out her cell phone. She dialed a number. "Yeah, Danny, it's me. I need you to check out something for me. I need you call Star City Feed Company at 402-436-0623 and ask about order LK-4567. If you can't reach me on my cell phone, you can reach me at Bryan Memorial Hospital here in Lincoln." She hung up. "Because I'm gonna pass out." Scully fell to the ground. X x X x X Scully opened her eyes and found herself in a hospital bed. She was in Bryan Memorial Hospital. She looked at her hand and saw it was lavender. In fact, her whole body was lavender. Then how come I'm conscious? she asked herself. She glanced across the room and there was Mulder, still hooked up to the ventilator and heart monitor. The machines were keeping him alive, something that couldn't be done with the cows. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a piece of pink paper. She tried to reach out for it. Everything in her body ached. Just the act of reaching out for the paper caused a shooting pain up her arm. When she finally had the paper in her hand, she tried to focus on it. Things were fuzzy. Slowly the words came into focus. "Danny called." The note said. "Star City Feed said they couldn't find order number LK- 4567 anywhere in their database." Oh no. Scully thought. This can't be...good. She couldn't maintain her thoughts for very long. She was drifting on the edge of consciousness. I must... get through... to Danny. Just then Assistant Director Walter Skinner walked in the hospital room. "I received a call that my agents were..." His voice trailed off. He just stared at Mulder and Scully. "Purple?" He walked over to Scully, who was still holding the message. "What's going on, Agent Scully?" Skinner asked as he sat down on the edge of the hospital bed. "I don't know..." she whispered. Skinner plucked the note from Scully's hand and read it. "What's this about Star City Feed?" Scully cocked her head very slowly towards the night table. There in a zip-lock baggie was a piece of purple glass. "Glass...cut...Mulder...lost consciousness...turned purple." "And you?" "Purple vase...in feed shipment...infected cows...Klein ranch..." "What about you, Scully?" Skinner asked, realizing she was avoiding the question. He let the concern show on his usually hard face. "Turning purple...contagious." Skinner immediately drew back. "Contagious how?" "Body...fluids..." The strain of talking and moving was too much for Scully, she was too frail. She laid her head on the pillow and closed her eyes. Skinner got up and walked out of the room. He had to solve to get this case solved. He picked up his cell phone and dialed the Omaha field office. "FBI, may I help you?" the secretary answered. "Yes, this is Assistant Director Skinner. I need you to send a pair of agents to the Bryan Memorial Hospital right away." "Yes sir. We'll get someone out there as soon as possible." Skinner hung up the phone and began pacing the floor. Little did Skinner know there was a pair of agents right down the street. Agent Brad Majors studied the dirt by Scully's rental car, still at the Klein farm. The search team had uncovered most of the vase, all lavender and with no apparent poison or substance. He squatted down toward the side of the road while his partner; Janet Weise looked around at the countryside. Wayne Klien and his wife watched them through their kitchen drapes. "Come on, Brad. The team couldn't find anything more. What makes you think you can?" He looked up at Janet. "You never know." She sighed. Her cell phone rang. "Agent Weise." She listened to the other person as Brad stood up, brushing off his pants. He then looked at her when she next spoke. "Okay, thanks. We're on our way." She hung up. "What's up?" "We're going on a little field trip." "Where?" "Up North. O'Neill." "Just groovy." "What's with you and that word? 'Groovy'...." "I like it." They started toward the car. "Your parents weren't hippies, were they?" "Not to my current knowledge. But you never know, they could be hiding it. Hide the truth, hide the conspiracy." Janet laughed. "Okay, now you're starting to sound like this Mulder guy." Brad just smiled. In the small downtown main street area of O'Neill, Brad and Janet found the small office that did all the paper work of the local feed "manufacturing" plant. After speaking to three different people, they hadn't gotten any further. No one had a clue as to how the vase got in the shipment to Star City Feed, which made it's way to Wayne Klien and to his cows. But as Janet stood impatiently by the window while Brad tried to use a little hostility to get some *real* answers, she noticed a store across the street... Skinner sat in a chair outside Mulder and Scully's room. Of all things to happen, why did it have to happen now and to them and of all states in *Nebraska*? Nothing made sense anymore... Everything was being lost. The dream, the truth, the search for the truth. All that Mulder and Scully had worked so hard for over the years, with so many obstacles and blocks, was all ending...because they were turning purple... Janet wandered through the door of what looked like an antique store, but it wasn't. There wasn't enough variety. It was all glass. An old woman greeted her. "Hello. How are you today?" Janet smiled. "I'm fine. How about you?" "Oh, you know how arthritis can get..." "Yes...I'm Agent Janet Weise with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, and I was wondering if you could help me with a few questions." Her hand flew to her chest. "Oh, my, I don't know. What could there be for me to know that's so important that the FBI wants to know?" "We're investigating a case in Lincoln of the death of several cattle and the possible deaths of two agents, and this," she took out an evidence bag with a piece of the glass in it, "glass was found to be poison. But there isn't any poison. Tests reveal that it was just plain, ordinary glass." "Well, they wouldn't, dear. It's *in* the glass." Janet's eyes widened. "So you know what's behind it?" "Yes. I remember that glass. It was a vase I once had in my shop. It had been here ever since my mother opened this shop, back before I could remember. And she always warned me, 'Grace, you don't play with that vase, and you sure as hell make sure you don't touch it.'" "Why? What's in it?" Grace shrugged. "She didn't know. All she knew was that my father brought it back from his trip to the east coast, and five hours after he put it on the shelf, he was sick in bed, shivering something awful, groaning in pain, and completely purple." "What did your mother do?" "Everything she could, but there was nothing that *could* be done. He was dead by the end of the week." Uh oh. Bad news. AD Skinner did *not* want to hear this. Janet stood in disbelief for a few moments before asking, "If you knew it was dangerous, why didn't you destroy it?" "Oh, dear, you couldn't destroy it. Even if you broke it into little pieces, those pieces would do the same thing. And if you melted it with other glass, then there would be just that much more of the same glass, and it'd never lose that shade of purple...." "If it couldn't be destroyed, and it was dangerous, why did you sell it?" "I didn't. There was this nice young man that came in one day. Oh, he was such a gentleman. He asked me about the vase. All the questions you're asking. I told him I wouldn't sell it. Never. So he lifted it on his way out." "This man- what did he look like?" "Oh, very average. Brown hair, brown eyes. He wore a black leather jacket. There *was* one thing that set him apart from the crowd..." "And that was?" "One of his arms wasn't real..." Skinner looked up when he heard his name called. Janet Weise was walking toward him at a fast pace, while Brad brought up the rear. "Director Skinner, we have a break." He stood up. "What? What is it? Did you find out the cause?" "A rare glass brought back from a shop on the east coast back in the twenties. It was stolen from an antique shop across the street from the office of the feed plant that sold the feed to Star City Feed." "So what's in it? What's causing it?" "That's just it; no one knows. The only other incident involving it was the man who brought it back." "Where is he?" "Dead. He was afflicted with the same illness just by *touching* it. He died within the week." Skinner sighed and looked down at the floor. "But the woman I talked to was able to give me an address of the shop he bought it from and we also had her sit with a composite artist to come up with a rendering of the man who stole it." She took the paper out of the envelope she carried. "It shouldn't be too hard to find him either, considering he only has one arm." She handed him the drawing and Skinner stared at it. The only thing he could think was, That dirty rat... Krycek peered through the lavender glass. Such a glorious shade of purple. The light picked it up perfectly. The man across from him, a graying brunette in his late forties, asked, "So what do you think?" "It's wonderful. Just like the other one." Krycek looked at him and smiled. "My mother will love having a pair. I can't believe I found one just like it." Janet and Brad finally got the ultimate case; they got to leave the state. Skinner made sure the FBI pulled all the stops and flew them to Boston to find the shop the vase had come from. Upon asking about the vase, the antique dealer, one with a more varied selection, replied, "But I just sold it..." Brad and Janet's eyes widened simultaneously. Brad asked, "What?" "Just this morning. This man was so happy that he had found another one so that his mother would have a pair." Janet immediately expected the worst. "How many people handled it?" "Well, just me and the man." Brad and Janet both took a step back away from him at the same time. Janet asked, "And you're not ill?" "Of course not. What's going on?" "That vase has a deadly poison mixed in with the glass that makes a person ill, turn purple, and die within a matter of a week." The dealer frowned. "But I've had that vase for months. I handled it every Saturday when I dusted. No one else touched it because no one else wanted it. Said that it was an ugly shade for a glass. Obviously not big appreciators of purple..." Brad asked, "But how is you're not sick from it?" He shrugged. "I don't know. You tell me." Janet flipped through the report. "There's not a *thing* wrong with him!" Brad sighed and Skinner looked over her shoulder. "There has to be *something*..." Janet handed it to him. "Then you look. I don't even know what I'm looking at." Skinner took it. "Sorry. I'm used the female partner of the group having a medical license." Janet sat next to Brad while Skinner thumbed through it. "According to this, the only difference between them is their DNA." Brad asked, "Which part? There has to be a specific part if it effects both Scully and Mulder but not Rosse. They should be able to narrow it down. Unless Mulder and Scully are *related* or something. Shouldn't they?" "I don't know. The whole thing is bizarre." Janet had a brainstorm. "Wait a minute..." Brad looked at her. "What?" "This may sound crazy, but I'm thinking of something like bone marrow transplants. I know we can't transplant his blood into them, but can we inject his DNA into them?" Brad and Skinner looked at each other. Eh, let's try it. Believe it or not, the doctors actually went for it. They manufactured some sort of serum out of his DNA and injected it into both of the patients. Mulder's purple tone was gone within the hour, and his eyes were open in another. Scully's skin cleared up, but still she remained in her coma. Then the doctors discovered that the color had cleared up from everywhere on her body except her abdomen. The doctors tested the area to see what was going on, and revealed an alarming fact. "Director Skinner, it seems that Agent Scully is pregnant." Slowly Mulder began to regain his strength. When he was finally able to sit up and talk again, his first questions were about his partner. "How's Scully doing? Is she alright?" He asked Skinner. "She's fine, Mulder," Skinner told him. Mulder completely ignored the two agents with Skinner and tried to get up to see his partner. He glanced over Skinner's shoulder and saw that she was still in a coma. "What's wrong with her?" He demanded. Skinner put his hands on Mulder's shoulders. "We're not sure. The only thing we do know is...she's pregnant." "What?! That's impossible. We only..." He cut himself off when he noticed the two other agents hovering around him. "There's no way she can be pregnant. Her ova were removed." "That in itself is impossible," Brad said. "Who are you?" Mulder asked. "I'm Agent Brad Majors. This is Janet Weise." "Don't over exert yourself, Mulder," Skinner told him. He then turned to the two agents. "What Mulder says is true. It is impossible for Agent Scully to be pregnant. Why don't you show Mulder what we've found so far." Janet pulled out the file folder and started showing Mulder all the evidence they had gathered. When she showed Mulder the police sketch, she was surprised that he recognized him. "Krycek." "I'm sorry?" "Alex Krycek. I should have known."