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The next featured person is...JB! That is a picture of him above...isn't he cute?

Full Name: (He asked me not to say it to anyone.) JB Faby

Bolt Name: PSG4Life

Birthday: Feb. 14, 1982 which makes my sweetheart 21 years old!

Where is JB from? Well JB is from France, but he lives in Canada, then in January he will be living in TN! Only 3 hours away from me! I can't wait!

I am featuring JB because he is my boyfriend not only that, but he is one that really cares about me. I love him to death. JB is my teddy bear, my everything in the whole wide world! He also takes part of buying the Bolt Plus for me! I thank him lots for that! If you want to know more about him, check out his profile here on Bolt!

JB's Tagline is: I'm Amandaholic !!! I miss her soooooooooooo much *sigh*

In the picture of JB, it was taken around 2am a couple days ago, he was on the phone with me...hehe...I love you sweetie!

Check out the Journal Entry in December on the first or second page of the tribute I made for JB!!!

In this feature, I am featuring two of my bestest buds from my hometown. From left to right: Lindsey and Heather. They aren't members of bolt, but I'm sure if they were they would be great friends for anyone to have. They have been by my side ever since I have known them. I have known Lindsey since early years of Elementary School, and Heather since 6th grade. So they're pretty long friendships. I miss you guys! And love you like sisters!

Birthdays: February 2, 1985 for Lindsey which makes her 18 years old! and February 17, 1985 for Heather which makes her 18 years old also! Go mah sistas! LOL

The next person I am featuring is my cousin Jonathan!

Just like me, he is from Kentucky but now resides in Florida. He is with the United States Air Force. All of the family and myself wishes him safe trips around the world...

Birthday: March 19, 1983 Which makes him...20 years old!

We're proud of you Jonathan!!!

My next featured friend will be Caryn!

Bolt Name:carasina

Birthday: January 29, 1988...which makes Caryn 16 years old this year!
The reason I feature Caryn is....she's such a cool person to talk to. Plus, she is the one who I give credit for getting my boyfriend JB and I together! Without talking to her the same day I got with JB, I probably wouldn't have him if it weren't for her! She is a member of Bolt, and makes icons for just about anybody, she loves doing that stuff! If you want to know more about her...view her bolt profile or talk to her! I'm sure she will tell about herself if you ask!

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