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Why I Made This Guild
I made this guild to reflect who I am & to meet other people going through the same kinda stuff as me. I want this to be a place where people can feel comfortable & not have to be all 'fake smiles'. It sucks to have to hide who you are. I actually made this guild because I couldn't find any others like it & I was becoming somewhat bored with neopets. I have a lot of spare time & I spend it playing neopets. I hope you can enjoy the guild & choose to stay.
Guild Rules
There aren't a lot of rules for the guild but I do have a few.
- Participate- I don't want members who don't do anything. There isn't a lot of work to participating either. Just post on the message board when you can & enter the contests. There here for you, so use them.
- Share you'r ideas- Really, if you have ideas for the guild I want to know!
- Be yourself--You don't have to hide who you are or lie. You probably don't know anyone here for real anyway so use the message board to open up & get stuff off you'r chest.
- Don't be rude-No rude comments on what someone else has said or dissing what someone else likes.
Helping Out The Guild
The guild needs more contests & we're going to have to have some volunteers to run them. It's a way to get you'r level raised & really be a part of the guild. If anyone has contest/giveaway ideas & would like to run one, neomail callyrah with you'r ideas. Also neomail callyrah with any ideas as to other features that you would like to see in our guild. We need you'r input to make this guild something you all like.
If any of you are interested in donating to help out the guild, all neopoints from purchases made at callyrah's shop (link below) go towards prizes & other things needed for the guild. Anyone who makes 3 donations larger than 300nps (along with posting often on the message board without spaming) will be raised a level in rank(you'r guild rank can only be raised once by donating). If you would like to make a smaller donation there will be items available for less than 300nps but I won't know who it was that donated unless the donation is on an item of 300nps or greater. If you would like to donate items just send them to callyrah. Thanks in advance for helping out you'r guild.
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