Years Past: Tracy resides at the age of sixteen, and is in his sixth year in Slytherin house.
Mind of the Demon: Tracy is a cold, distant boy. He hates idol chitchat and is rather shy. When spoken to, he doesn't say much before walking away. Teachers find him to be a model student because of his good manners and silence, others find him dull. Beyond all that, lies a mind stained with insanity.
Shadows Fallen: Born in Devonshire to Morgan Sinclair and Athena DeLuoc. At the time, Morgan had been posing as a local member of the clergy, and Athena was a governer's daughter. The governer soon got rather peeved when he found out that Morgan was a demon trainer/exterminator and kept demons as pets, and that such a man was with his daughter. He no longer allows Morgan in Devonshire. Athena left Morgan some years later, totally creeped out by her husband.
The Paranormal: Tracy can usually be found off by himself, or on the outside of a crowd. A regular oddball, as some refer him as, watching him waste his life away doing not much of anything. Tracy excells in his subjects, and actually enjoys homework.
Roads Not Taken: Tracy aspires to one day be an Unspeakable, what a coincidence. He would also like to be an Auror, odd for a Slytherin... He can sometimes be found in the library, studying Defense Against the Dark Arts, or reading up on Ministry information and what-not.