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Tuesday, 13 January 2004
From my recent holiday - things I have learned and things that I already knew and have had strengthened:

I can never quite shake the feeling of being scammed.
Don't trust everyone with a friendly smile.
Guys and their money are easily parted when a pretty girl is around.
Hairy spiders taste as bad as they look, maybe even worse.
Being the centre of attention is not always enjoyable.
Make patience your travelling partner.
I should make more effort to help the poor and disadvantaged people of this world.
Financial greed is disgusting regardless of who it seeps from.
Foreign countries can educate us way beyond our expectations.
I was born for this.
Although I love my country, I never want to live in Scotland again.
Friends are priceless, keep track of them and keep in touch with them.
Trying to speak a foreign language will usually get you respect and a smile.
Make smiling your other travelling partner.
Saying hello 625 times a day isn't as tiring as I thought it would be.
The world has too many pictures of David Fucking Beckham.
Bugs of all shapes and sizes just can't resist taking bites out of me - about 40 on my legs now.
Be wary of shady guys on motorbikes.
Child prostitution is alive and well in Cambodia....unfortunately.
Saunas and massages are great.
Never underestimate the value of a good shower and a clean pair of boxers.
It doesn't cost anything to help people with less than you.
I am so lucky to have been born in an English speaking country.
The Internet is amazing but getting out there and doing stuff yourself is even more amazing.
Don't worry if you pay a bit more, look at it as giving to charity. Appreciate beauty in all its forms.
Not everyone in the world thinks tattoos and big nose rings are ugly, Mum and Dad.
Send your children out to see the world and they'll come back better people for the experience.
I love snakes but I'm still afraid of bees.
Chicks rock.
You can't beat a good sunrise or sunset.
Chicks rock.
I should write a book.

**I can't believe some people managed to find fault in my thoughts. The underlying message is one of 'we should all help more' - if you can't see that and want to attack me personally instead, probably due to your own shortcomings, then don't be surprised when I let fly and you don't like what I have to say. Fuck you and your selfishness.

Posted by freak2/bizarro at 8:55 PM JST
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