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Thursday, 14 August 2003
fanny magnet
I seem to be attracting the female variety at a quite alarming rate. I haven't been such a fanny magnet for ages, eons even.
Maybe the gentlemen reading this will be grinning to themselves and taking their own wee trip down memory lane when once their attraction to ladies surpassed the heady levels of Brad Pitt in his day (or so they thought - 'beating them off with a shitty stick I was').

The ladies on the other hand may well be wondering how the fuck a skinny, pierced, tattooed, drunken Scotsman abroad could do anything other than attract Police attention at a rate Ronnie Biggs would be proud of.

Unfortunately for me the magnetism I seem to be exuding attracts only the female variety of fucking mosquitos! It's only the females who bite and boy is there a mosquito party at ferg's house this year. I have mesh to cover the windows and doors but somehow the little fuckers are still getting in. Either that or they're slipping into my pockets outdoors and eloping in that way.
Summer has failed to materialise over here in any great shape or form this year so the rainy season has just continued. It's still humid but wet with it - a veritable joy for the biting bitches. I also blame it on the pedigree Scots blood but no one else seems to believe that part.

I see the weather in Scotland and the rest of Europe is continuing to stop trains (eh?!), start fires, force people to call in sick with that 'terrible diarrohea' or 'dodgy stomach/food poisoning' that always surfaces when the temperatures go over 30C and cause general mayhem with the ice-cream supplies.
Good luck, enjoy while you can and don't get too burnt.


Posted by freak2/bizarro at 1:23 PM KDT
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