Rants On Issues
Rants On Issues

Abortion is an important issue to women today. People are either Pro-Life or Pro-Choice. I am pro-choice. (Yes, I am for abortion.) Most people that I know are totally against it and they're like, "How can you be for it?" or they say their pro-life, but once I tell them I am for it, then they are very confused. Sure, people have tried to change my opinion on abortion, but I have NEVER changed my opinion on it. If someone is stupid enough to try to persuade you to change your views on a topic you strongly believe in, then they are immature-whiny-I-want-my-way-assholes. No one should influence your opinions. You should have your own opinions on things & not worry about what anyone else feels on your opinions and views. It is up to you to make your own opinions & not copy someone else's opinions on things. That's what makes you an individual. I believe it's the woman's right to choose if she wants to have an abortion or not. It's her body, not a man's, not the government's, but HER body. It's not up to other people like a man or the government to decide if she should have the abortion or not. It is up to the woman to decide if she wants an abortion. If it was a woman that just didn't want her child just because she doesn't like children. I would say USE PROTECTION & don't get pregnant in the first place. Of course, she could also give the child up for adoption, but not abortion in this case. Why shouldn't she have an abortion in this situation? She is the one that decided to say "yes" to sex and knew what would happen without birth control pills, condoms, or other forms of birth control. Let's suppose the next situation is a woman that is pregnant & cannot afford the child. YES, she should have the right to decide on having an abortion. That would be the best thing in this situation. Of course, she could give it up for adoption, but then later on in life, the child will most likely want to meet it's real mom or find out about her. The one that gave her up will have regrets & will probably wind up depressed. (not necessarily, but it DOES happen this way most of time) The next situation: A woman is raped & becomes pregnant with the rapists' child. She feels angry, confused, sad, & alone. She could have the child & raise it, but then she would remember the whole rape that happened & feel like the child was born as a mistake, to remind her of the rapist & that he got her pregnant. Doesn't sound too good does it? She could still have the child & give it up for adoption. Then, she wouldn't be reminded of the rape, but she'd feel bad that she gave up a child because of being raped. The child would probably want to see it's real mom once it is older. She will not want to see it because she will look at it & think of the rapist & the whole rape. (Not that it would wind up like that for all cases, but it does happen alot.) The last & only thing she knows she can do is have an abortion. That way, no child from the rapist will be in her life. She can get on with her life by not being reminded of the rapist & the rape everyday by looking at the child that was born out of evil. (evil meaning the rapist) Poverty, rape, incest, etc. are certain issues that would be alright to have an abortion if the woman wants one. It is up to her. If she still wants to have the child, then that's her decision NOT someone else's. Leave it up to the woman to decide for herself. If the woman is interested she can always go to abortion clinics, & find out about the many types of abortions. She can always look up abortions on the internet. Yes, I have seen pictures of the gross abortion. I forgot what it was called, but it was gross. It's up to the woman what TYPE of abortion she wants, if she is wanting to get one. Abortion is an important issue to women & it is supposed to be left up to the WOMAN to decide if she wants an abortion or not.

Animal Abuse
Animals are abused more often than you think. I love animals & I would never do anything to hurt/harm them. There are people that want pets & some that get pets & abuse them. Why? Those people are apathetic, careless, reckless, among other things.... If you want a pet, you have to know how to treat a pet without abusing the pet. There are different types of animal abuse. There are people that will let their pet freeze & starve to death. Then, there's people that will beat them, etc. In my opinion, someone who abuses animals, probably abuses people too. Maybe they abuse animals so that they can get their anger or power trips out on the animals & not the people. It is still WRONG. Animal abuse along with human abuse, shouldn't be tolerated. Animals may not be humans, but they can sense things about a person. Cruelty to animals is shown on the animal planet channel on cable television. The show is called "Animal Cops". They arrest people for being careless, wreckless, mean, cruel, etc. to their pets. (The same thing I am ranting about.) Luckily, people are arrested for being mean to their pets. Treat animals how you would like to be treated. Animals should NOT be treated bad. A month ago in my state there was a cop that thought this family had robbed a bank. They were innocent & he had all the family to get out of the car. The dog was in there & it ran out of the car. Then, the fucking cop shot the dog. He said he "thought" it was one of those dogs that attack people. In the short video on the news, it showed the dog wagging its tail. It wasn't planning on attacking, it was just happy & wanting petted. Instead, the damn cop shot the dog. A psychologist even said that those types of dogs have never attacked anyone. Just because the cop was mad that he didn't get the right people for robbing the bank doesn't mean he has to shot an innocent family's dog. The family had a son & yes, the whole family, including the son, saw the cop shoot the dog right in front of their eyes. The father was tore up, just like the rest of the family. He was like, "Hey, why did you shoot my dog?" They were crying too. I would be pissed off if a cop shot my cat or if anyone shot my cat or killed it for that matter. It would really piss me off. I don't think they sued the cop over it, but he has to pay a fine & I think he was in jail. (I don't know if he still is or not.) Animal abuse shouldn't be excused by people that witness it. Animal abuse must stop. The people that abuse the pets should NOT have a pet in the first place. What's the point in getting a pet if your gonna starve it to death or beat it up? That's pretty lame & stupid in my book. Animals should also be treated with respect & love just like humans. People should think of their pets as humans, maybe then they'll realize that animal abuse is wrong.

Racism has been around for ages. Racism is still around today, unfortunately. I think that racism should be totally wiped out from the face of the earth. That would be nice, wouldn't it? It's stupid that some people are prejudice against others because of their skin color. Some people are so ignorant that they do not talk to other races besides their own. There are some people that believe in supremecy of their race. That means that they don't talk to anyone outside of their own race. What a bunch of dumbasses. I am Caucasian, but I am not racist. I like all races, religions, etc. I like to talk to people and get to know them for who they really are. I do not judge my friends on skin color or anything else. If everyone would get to know people for who they truly are & not for their skin color, then the world would be a better place. People that hate people because of their skin color are insecure, pathetic, & very arrogant people. There are hate crimes that happen every day just because someone is a race that they don't like. That is just plain stupid in my book. Hate crimes CAN be stopped if the racists wouldn't be so damn racist against others. Groups such as the Ku-Klux Klan are very racist people. They believe in "White Supremecy". Most of them are racist towards all other races. I do NOT believe in "White Supremecy". That is being close-minded. The Ku-Klux Klan wouldn't exist if it weren't for them being so fucking racist against other races. If they weren't racist against people, then the Ku-Klux Klan wouldn't even exist. However, racism would still live most likely. It seems as if Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream sorta came true. People aren't as racist as they used to be, but hate crimes have increased. His dream didn't exactly come completely true. Hate crimes are immature, pathetic, & cowardly. People who do hate crimes are close-minded & very insecure people. Racism should stop. The only way it will stop is if people work together by talking to EVERYONE & not just a certain race. It would make life much better for everyone.

Rape is a major problem. Rape isn’t about sex, it’s about violence and having power. The rapist likes to have power over the victim. Most of the time it is a man who is the rapist, even men are raped, but it is most common that women are raped. Now days, some men and women are afraid to leave their homes, fearing that they will either be murdered, raped, or abused. The world should not be like this. We should be able to leave our homes knowing that we’re safe and that we will not get murdered, raped, or abused. With all the news on television, most people live their life in fear. We only have one life to live, so why not live it without fear? Everyday on the news there's always something happening like someone is being murdered, abused, raped, robbed, etc. There's never a day that goes by that no one is left alone. There is always something bad happening to someone everyday in the news. The news is real, so that's why some people live their lives in fear. It would be great not to have any bad news on the news, but as time passes, the world gets even more cruel & colder. This means that in the future there will be even more crimes & violence in the world. (That's how the present is making it look.) I think the terrorist attacks was an example of that. So, does this mean that everyone in the world will eventually be scared of leaving their homes? As crime rates increase, fear also increases. So, how does someone actually leave their house without fear? They TRY to live their life without fear of getting raped, murdered, etc. They try to look on the bright side of things, but sometimes the bright side can also be the bad side of things. I think that violence and anything associated with it, such as rape, stalking, etc. should all be gone. Without all of this, the world would be better off. Also, no one would have to live their life in fear. Also, no one would have to be worried about being murdered, raped, etc. The world would be better & everyone would feel better & not be living in fear. Rape is one of the most terrifying experiences anyone can go through. I can’t speak for rape victims, but from what I have gathered, it is a horrible ordeal. Rape is something that shouldn’t happen to anyone. Some guys think that what a girl wears, how she acts, & how she looks means that she wants sex. Some guys think that it gives them the right to rape them. Rape is a crime of power & violence, NOT a sex crime. To prevent rape, you should start taking a class on Karate or Self-Defense.

Self Defense
Self Defense is the art of defending yourself against an attack, mugging, rape, etc. Self Defense can include things such as karate, 'aiming for the privates', among other things. Self Defense is VERY important to everyone. (male and female) Female are more at risk for being attacked, mugged, raped, etc. I think everyone should learn self defense. It helps you to defend yourself against things that could happen to you. I am totally for self defense and I think everyone should try, learn, or take a self defense class of some sort. Here are the main ways you can defend yourself: 1.) Your fingers in their eyes, 2.) The side of your hand-striking their throat, 3.) Your knee in their groin, or 4.) Your hand crushing their testicles. Other ways to defend yourself include: 1.) Your elbow in their ribs, 2.) Stomping on their feet, 3.) Well aimed punches and kicks (details of how, to come later), or 4.) Making a loud noise. Shout anything ("help", "stop" "no, no, no") as loudly as you can, throughout the entire attack to attract attention. Sometimes just hearing this response is enough to scare off an attacker.) Self defense comes in very useful if you are faced with a bad situation. Self defense is also useful because everyone is at risk for being attacked, mugged, raped, etc. Self defense is a very useful tool.

Sexism is more noticed today than in the past. Some sexes think they are better than the other sex. That's not so. All sexes should be treated equally. Men & Women should treat each other: equally, with respect, open-minds, and acceptance. Some men think that women shouldn't play baseball, have short hair, etc. I think that us women, can do anything that we want to do. I think men can do anything that they want to do also. (even if it's something feminine) Some men are sexist on hiring a woman to be a mechanic, etc. Women should be given & allowed the opportunity to express themselves by doing whatever the hell they want to. (same goes for men) Sexism should be stopped. If everyone wouldn't criticize someone based on their job, etc. then sexism wouldn't exist. Women & men would be treated equally. Men are seen as strong, women are seen as weak. That is so FALSE. I think we are both equal. We have our strengths & our weaknesses, believe it or not. No one is perfect. Men & Women should accept each other for what they want to do, or for what they actually do, than saying, "Your a girl you can't do that..." Unfortunately, to some people according to the old belief system: girls are seen as innocent & boys are seen as troublemakers. I don't think that all girls or all boys should be fitted into one category like that. That is pure sexism when you do that. Sexism should be banned forever.

Terrorism is a common problem among the whole nation. Terrorism can happen to any country & at any time. There are ways we can prevent it by insuring people's safety at airports & other places. September 11, 2001 is a day no one can forget. In New York, 3 planes were hijacked by foreigners. The planes crashed into political places in New York & Washington, D.C. They were considered terrorists & there are many of them that are probably still around. Terrorists claim that their "god" told them that Americans are evil. I think that may have been "Satan" & not their god, Jihad. Terrorists main concern is to destroy the world so that they can have the whole world & run it. They want to make us live in fear & worry. Since the attacks, the USA have grown closer together. Our safety is not an issue anymore because the USA got smarter by having all passengers checked at airports, etc. There were rumors of bridges being the next targets of terrorists. The USA took measures to make sure all bridges were safe. I think the USA has learned as well as gained from the experience. We have learned to be more cautious & to insure everyone's safety at places that could possibly be the next targets of the terrorists. We have gained knowledge of what terrorists can do & what they have done to other countries. The terrorists showed us that they can attack us just like they do some other countries. That means that the whole world has come together & that we are a stronger nation. The terrorists attacks caused a lot of deaths & that was the worst part of the attacks. However, we have gotten stronger as a nation & we have gotten safer since the terrorism attacks. If terrorism was wiped away from the whole nation, that would be great. Everyone would be happy and not living in fear. Some people still live in fear of a terrorist attack, but others have gained knowledge of what terrorist attacks are like. If there was no terrorism attacks, then everyone would be happy, have no worries, & not be living their lives in fear of another attack. The military is trying to wipe out all the terrorists in the world. If that happens, it would certainly be a good thing. If terrorists didn't have hate for another country then there would be no terrorism & no one living in fear. That would be great. However, that's less likely to happen. It could happen sometime, but it would be a shock, relief, & it would be a happy event if there was no more hate or terrorism in this world.
