Rants On Society
Rants On Society

Censorship happens everyday, it's either on the television or on the radio. Censorship sucks. However, let's look at why things are censored. Why are things censored? A 9 year old boy is watching a movie that has lots of nudity, it is censored, however, as he gets older he sees the same movie & it's not censored. It was only censored when he was 9 years old because he was too young to be watching an "X" rated movie. However, he will eventually see someone nude, so why censor the nudity? If you listen to music on the radio, you will realize that the words "fuck", "shit", & "bitch", etc. are censored. First off, no little kids should be listening to music like that in the first place, they should be singing the "I'm A Little Teapot.." type of songs. Even for adults & people that have heard the bad words & seen nudity everything is still censored for them. What's the fucking point in censoring stuff that we will eventually see or hear in our lifetime? OOPS! I said "fuck", I guess that fucking angelfire will fucking censor my fucking site now. (just kidding) Luckily we are allowed to express our views & opinions just like the Americans right to "freedom of speech" on our websites. By censoring the television and radio, people are taking away our right to have "freedom of speech". They aren't obeying or accepting the right to "freedom of speech". Next thing you know, the right to "freedom of speech" will no longer exist to anyone. I hope it never comes to that point, but with the government you never know. "Freedom Of Speech" gives us our right to express our views, thoughts, & opinions without being censored & by letting us be seen and heard.

One of the problems that the society is faced with today is homophobia. Society is faced with homophobia everyday. Some, but not all people believe that homosexuals/bisexuals/lesbians are what they call “evil”. They see a gay couple together and they become disgusted. These kinds of people are what you’d call “homophobic”. They have a blindfold over their eyes. They don’t want to open up their mind. They want to see homosexuals and bisexuals as being horrible people, when they’re not horrible at all. People should open up their minds. I can’t speak for all homosexuals and bisexuals in this rant, but I believe they have the same rights as everyone else in the world. They need to get to know homosexuals and bisexuals for who they truly are and not look at or stereotype them based on their sexual preference. Just because someone has a different sexual preference than you doesn’t give you the right to go around hating them. Get to know someone, no matter who or what they are. Don’t be so cruel or judgmental to homosexuals and bisexuals because deep down they are like the rest of us. Take the Matthew Shepard case, some guys beat him to death because he was gay. There should be no prejudice or violence in this world. Stereotypes are also a problem. I do not go by stereotypes. I think stereotyping is cruel. I am not going to say I’ve never stereotyped somebody in my life because the truth is I have. People seem not to look beyond someone’s sexual preference. Once you get to know that person you realize that you shouldn’t have labeled or judged them in the first place. If everyone got to know each other for who they truly are and not what race, religion, sexual preference, etc. they are, then this world would be more open-minded and the world would be much better. I know some homosexuals and bisexuals, I give and show them respect. I do not diss them and I do not hate them. In fact, I’ve found out I have a lot in common with them & yes, I am friends with some of them. This is because I got to know them better and looked beyond their sexual preference. There are a lot of homophobic people out there. I respect homosexuals and bisexuals. I think others should do the same instead of hating them. If there was more love in the world, then that would get rid of all the hate this world has right now. There is no need for homophobic people. I think that they should open up their eyes and not be so prejudice. There is no reason for people to be against homosexuals and bisexuals. If everyone would start showing respect to other people, no matter who or what they are, then this world would be a better place.

Religion is important for a lot of people all over the world. There are many kinds of religions, some of them aren't considered 'religious', but are considered spiritual. I used to go to a Baptist Church & I was 'saved' there, then, I was into Wicca/Witchcraft, then I quit it also. I do NOT go to Church now. I do NOT do Witchcraft/Wicca now. I have formed my own beliefs on religions. Most Churches believe that there is ONLY one religion that is the "right" religion. I do not believe that at all. Why? For example, let's say there was only one right religion & the religion was Catholic. Then, that would mean everyone would be going to hell because they're not Catholic. Obviously, that would be a sin to think one religion is better or that only one religion exists to other religions. There are some people that think people into "The Occult" are evil & are going to hell. If it is talked about in the Bible like some religions believe, then how can it be a sin & how can you go to hell for it? Another example, there are Atheists & Satanists & most religions think they are evil & going to hell. Atheists don't have a belief in anything, but couldn't they be spiritual people? As long as someone is spiritual then that's all that matters in my opinion. A Satanist can be spiritual also. People may conflict with me on religion, but I do believe in God & I believe in Satan, in other words.....you can't have one without the other. Obviously, the 2 exist to religions. So what religion am I? Since I believe that there are both a Satan & a God, & I don't believe most of the things in other religions...then I guess I have created my own religion. I am also spiritual. Now, let's take Buddhism....they worship Buddha like he's a 'god'. Sure, it's not exactly a religion, but a worship of Buddha. They are just spiritual people. That is all I have to say about religion.
