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This is Cara ( Her pic is NOT the girl below next to mine. That's Veronica, my girlfriend (Cara's pic is the big one below), please make NO MISTAKE. Cara's a 19 year old female from Pa. In the past, many people have called her fat, obese,a harpooned whale or what not. Judge for yourself if you may, everyone has their own opinions. By the way for all the doubters, yes, this is `MeTh0d`|Furthermore, for the bisexual women that look at her page, if you'd like some cock refer to my pic below. Also as side note for faggots who view this page and comment about me being jocked by all the girls in CU and elsewhere online. 'Get over it son, just because you represent obesity and I represent GQ looks, it doesn't mean you have to go off the deep end and talk e-shit when I'm not present. When your jaw line is visible and not full of a 2nd chin of lard, then address to me. So, keep dreaming. I'll also include a picture of my girl just so you idiots know how far looks can take you. A healthy tip for haters on my cock, 'Stacker 2'. Also check poll results!
Cara Vs. Mandah Poll Results, Click here.
Since I have considered that many viewers will be webtv idiots, this page would take long to load if I included most pics in the main page. Instead, click the link below to see the rest.
Cara's 'other' pics