***The scene opens with cameras backstage as The Rock is seen walking backstage***
***The Rock is about to enter his locker room as he is stopped by Jonathan Coachman***
Coach: Hello Rock welcome to Smackdown I was wondering if I could ask you a couple of questions?
The Rock: I dunno Jabroni, Can you?
Coach: Ok sorry I mean may I ask a few questions?
The Rock: Well The Rock has a lot of things he's got to do. However I suppose The Rock can spare your bald candy ass some time!
Coach: Firstly how are you feeling after Last Smackdown when HBK Shawn Michaels gave you some Sweet Chin Music?
The Rock: Firstly Jabroni I am feeling fine that kick just rolled right off me! That 225 pound bag of crap may think he got the best of The Rock but I'm afraid he didn't! See The Rock can take beating like that.....It's like a exercise for me! However HBK or whatever you call yourself you Texas Trailer Trash The Rock is the most electrifying man in sports and entertainment today! And The Rock will get revenge on your candy ass one day so watch you back because I can promise you that what happened on Smackdown won't happen again! The Rock is going to lay the Smackdown on your candy ass the next time he sees you! You are just a movement away from getting your ass driven to the ground with The Rock Bottom or your heart stopped with The Peoples Elbow! See unlike you Michaels The Rock can actually wrestle and I promise you your candy ass will get what's coming to it!
Well your debut match is in that Super Eight X Division
Tag Team Match! How are you feeling about that?
The Rock: How does The Rock feel? Your asking The Rock how he feels Coach?
Coach: Well yeah....
The Rock: Does The Rock look scared to you Coach?
Coach: Well no!
The Rock: Of course The Rock aint scared! The Rock is the best there is, The man, The myth, The legend and most importantly The People's Champion! See Coach The Rock doesn't need to worry his head about some stupid Super 8 X Division Tag Match! Come on The Rock is better then all those Jabroni's compared to them The Rock is god! The Rock is more excited about whipping some candy ass, then a fat man chasing a ice cream truck! The right Coach I know what I gotta do on Smackdown and that's whip the other 3 teams asses in a the only way The Rock knows how......To slap the taste right out of their mouths! Smackdown I will open a can of whoop ass on all their candy asses and The Rock will the precede to shove his boot up all their asses! The Rock will show the world that he still is an ass kicking machine! Smackdown The Rock will lay the Smackdown on some candy ass!
Coach: What are your thoughts on your Tag Partner for this match Brandon Michaels?
The Rock: Is that who The Rock's partner is Coach?
Coach: That's what it says here Rock!
The Rock: Who in the blue hell is Brandon Michaels? Is he a relative of that Texas Trailer Trash Shawn Michaels cause if he is he better watch himself! As far as The Rock's thought's go Coach.....The Rock doesn't care what Brandon does as long as he knows his role and shuts his mouth The Rock has no problem with him! However Brandon must remember that after we leave the Jabroni's on the mat and the match is finished that he and I are enemies! The Rock will not hesitate to lay the Smackdown on his candy ass after that bell sounds so he better know his role! The Rock will make sure he whoops some candy ass in that ring and as long as Brandon does the same we will be just fine! The Rock will not hesitate to slap the taste out of your mouth Brandon if you get out of line so make sure your are prepared for our match on Smackdown!
Coach: Well Thanks Rock for the interview!
The Rock: Ok Coach why don't you got piss off someone else!
***Coach is about to head off when The Rock stops him****
The Rock: Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa....What in the blue hell do you think you are doing?
Coach: I am going to go interview someone else!
The Rock: This interview isn't over! Did The Rock say it was over Coach?
Coach: No.....
The Rock: That's right The Rock didn't say it was over! The Rock answered your questions Coach so now it's The Rocks turn!
Coach: Ok....
The Rock: Coach....The Rock's only question to you is.....Have you said your prayers?
Coach: No....why?
The Rock: Coach....You mean to tell The Rock that you have not given thanks to the great lord above for keeping The Rock from whipping your ass here in front of the Millions.......And Millions of The Rocks fans?
Coach: Well no!
The Rock: Well then Coach get on your knees and pray to the good lord!
Coach: Are you serious?
The Rock: Of course The Rock's serious Jabroni now get down and pray!
***Coach gets down on his knees and puts his hands together and begins to pray***
Coach: Yo what up Gee?
The Rock: Whoa Whoa Whoa Whoa....What in the blue ice cream hell do you think you are doing?
Coach: I am praying just like you......
The Rock: IT DOESN'T MATTER WHAT YOU THINK! The Rock asked you to pray and what do you give The Rock....."What up Gee?" Get out of my face Jabroni!
***The Rock kicks Coach out of the camera's view***
***The Rock then takes the mic***
The Rock: The Rock is going to whoop some candy ass all over the piece of shit town of Minneapolis! IF YOU SMELL......WHAT THE ROCK IS COOKIN'!
***The cameras then cut to the arena where the cameras are panning the crowd of thousands***
***Suddenly a weird music starts playing over the P.A system***
***To everyone's surprise The Rock appears from backstage with a new look***
***The Rock then heads down to the ring***
***The Rock then gets in the ring and stands on the 2nd turnbuckle posing for the crowd***
***The Rock then gets down and grabs a mic***
***The Rock then puts the mic up to his lips***
The Rock: FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK TO MIN... TO MIN.... TO Mind your mouth Jabroni before The Rock shows a his boot in it!!!
The Rock: Hey don't boo The Rock! The Rock can't help the fact that the Vikings suck!
The Rock: Rocky Sucks? Man your people are dumber then The Rock thought The Rock was saying that the Vikings suck not The Rock god no wonder you all live in garbage bins! The Rock came out here for one reason and one reason only and that is to tell you Jabroni's about the match The Peoples Champion The Rock is involved in on Smackdown! See The Rock is has one foot in the door and already he is given a chance to become the X-Division Champion! All The Rock has to do is beat 3 other teams in this Super Eight X Division Tag Match! See The Rock has to just whoop 6 candy asses and he is on his way to Pure Carnage against The Rock's partner for Smackdown Brandon Michaels! I really don't know why the Jabroni's in the front office bother placing a partner with The Rock, cause The Rock doesn't need anyone's help to win this match! Whether it's Devon Mitchell and The Undertaker, Mason Storm and Juventud Guerrera or Joey "Bastard" and Raven The Rock doesn't care because The Rock will wipe the mat clean with their candy asses! The Rock is the man in WWE! I am the best, The Champion and The People's Champion at that! The Rock will walk out of this shit hold of a town knowing that he will be at Pure Carnage! You know why The Rock knows this? The Rock knows this because he is the Jabroni beatin', Pie Eatin' Eyebrow raisin' Trail blazin', The Rock hates this town cause all of it's sins, However the town doesn't suck nearly as much as The Minnesota Twins! Whether you like it or you don't The Rock is here in the WWE baby and The Rock told you The Rock would make an impact! So Smackdown my opponents better get their asses ready because I am going to take this boot....Shine it up real nice......Turn that sum bitch sideways.....And stick it straight up Your candy ass!
The Rock: IF YOU SMELL.....
Crowd: What The Rock is....
The Rock: Whoa, Whoa, Whoa what in the blue hell do you think your doing? You fans want to boo The Rock then you loose the Chant-a-long privilege. So all you Jabroni's can go to hell or sorry over here you call it home!
***With the said The Rock slams the mic down and heads backstage***