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Stonehenge is about 40 miles from my Uncles house, we drove there early on the morning of the solstice, but we didn't realize that there would be so many people there.  So we had to walk quite a ways and missed the actual moment of sunrise and the Druid ceremony by about 5 minutes, not that you could actually see the sunrise until later, but still, we did get some nice pictures. :)

This is Nicole looking at the Travelers horses.

These are the Travelers caravans. They call them new age travelers, they are kind of like modern gypsies, only they aren't actual gypsies, some people think they are a nuisance, but I think its kinda neat.

Full view of Stonehenge, this is the first time people have been allowed actually in (besides the Druids) the stones for the solstice. They people in white in the front are Druids, they people next to them are media people. As you can see there were a lot of people there, and this is after a lot of them left!

This is almost the same picture, the spots on all these pictures are raindrops, it was raining.

A Druid talking to the media.