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My Home Shrine
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This is my current incarnation of my home shrine. As you can see it is fairly simple, but as time goes by it will grow and develop. You can click on each item to see the story behind it or just scroll down to read the whole thing. The table is another Target clearance find, it is low to the floor (I have no cats) so I can sit at it to meditate and give offerings. Normally the four quarters are aligned to the four directions but I shifted the table a bit for the photograph. I have it aligned to East right now, but I am not terribly worried which direction it will eventually face.

The TreeThe Triple FireThe Offering BowlThe WellThe OmenThe RequestThe SacrificeA Request for HealingInspirationBeing Polite and Respectful

The Tree

This is my representation of the Tree. It is a silk painting, my first one, which is why it is not perfect. I will probably do another someday. It  has a representation of the well beneath it, and also represents Land, Sea and Sky. Right now my Shrine is in a tempoary location, when I move it it will be against a wall and the tree will be on the wall and not a cardboard box!

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The Triple Fire

 I have a triple wicked candle to represent fire as well as the three realms, three kindreds and three worlds (you can't tell in the photo that there are three wicks but there are) It also represents Brighid.

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The Offering

In the middle is my offering bowl. I got it on clearance at Target, it was a Christmas candle holder but it makes a great offering bowl, especially as it continues the triple theme nicely. In the bowl there is a mixture of salt and herbs. The herbs are sage and thyme and curry mix, it's what I have in the kitchen, come spring and summer I hope to use fresh herbs. The salt has a spiral traced in it, which you can see better in the next photo.

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The Well

On the right is my temporary cauldron to represent the well. I borrowed it from Ryan's collection of potential still life subjects. I had to put a glass into it because the bottom is rusted out. In the glass i have water from 3 sacred sources, the Chalice Well and the White spring from Glastonbury and water from Lake Michigan (via my bathroom tap ;) I hope to obtain my own Cauldron soon.

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The Omen

 Below the Cauldron I have my divination tools, the Runes I made one Samhain a few years ago and my miniature Tarot cards I recieved as a Yule gift. My normal Tarot cards are either in Arizona in a box, or they have left me to be with some else, I couldn't find them in AZ so I think they moved on.

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The Request

 In the center below the Offering Bowl there is a candle holder carved from a piece of rose quartz. It is going to be used for offering candles but my candle that I am presently using didn't fit so next time I will get a tea candle.

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In front of that there is a oak tree leaf from a tree in a park near my Nana's house in England. I keep it because that tree was a great comfort to me during a bad time. I got the coin in Inverness and it has a picture of Britania (at least i think it does) and symbols for Scotland, Ireland, Wales and England so I like it. It is a reproduction coin they give you on the tour of Inverness castle. Next to that is a fossil I found also near my Nana's house.

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The Sacrifice

 The cup to the left of all this is an offering of wine to Brighid (This is at Imbolc so that's why to Her specifically, plus I think she might be one of Patrons but that is another story ) One of my fellow Grove members did a similar offering which is where I got the inspiration (Thanks Anne!)

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A Request for Healing

This is the candle that would ordinarily be in the rose quartz holder but is too big. It is being burned for Skye the daughter of Wren at The Witches' Voice. I now have a green candle in the rose quartz holder and it burns for healing for my best friend's father.

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Being Polite and Respectful

This is my candle snuffer, I never blow out candles because I don't wish to offend the sprirts of Fire. This is what I was taught.

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This is what it looks like my candle light. You can see the spiral better. Those dots of light on the right side are a reflection in the camera of the candle flames, I don't know why it does that, it must be a limitation of the camera. Some of the things I would like to do in the future would be to get some representaions of the Gods/esses like some statues, I would also like to make a covering for the table, and I might change the tree if I find something I like better.

All graphics and text are C. Farrow unless otherwise indicated. All rights reserved.