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Michael is: level-headed. [Yes. I'm not angry about the situation.] Michael is: THE BEST. [I guess I am!] Michael is: Inspired by, jane. [Who is jane???] Michael is: entitled to voice his views. [Who isn't? I'm still in the U.S.,right?] Michael is: cool. [Yes. I am.] Michael is: da bomb. [I repeat: Yes. I am.] Michael is: Canada Bound. [No! I'm staying right here!] Michael is: safely in Rochester. [I'm at home in south Florida! Geez!] Michael is: a full member of the Market Research Society. [I'm not sure what that is, but it sounds boring...] Michael is: Suffering Over Human Evolution Before the Time of His Earthly Activity. [ooooooooook.] Michael is: the most popular name in North America. [I knew I should have copyrighted...] Michael is: just testing. [Testing what?] Michael is: Guilty! [I was framed!] Michael is: Innocent. [That's more like it!] Michael is: Hungry and Stuck in Traffic [This happens alot.] Michael is: Back! [I've been back since July fifth!!!] Michael is: not about flashy miracles [I don't even perform regular miracles!] Michael is: of the devil!!!!! [I am not a demon!] Michael is: Gone [I didn't know I was dead!] Michael is: the only one said to be "the archangel," [Cool!] Michael is: the kind of guy some people love to hate. [Why?!] Michael is: a freak but at least he has talent [Finally!] Michael is: shocked by his Mystic Fish. [My Mystic Fish?] Michael is: an almost six year old boy who has been [I am thirteen years old!!!] Michael is: 27 years old [I just told you! I'm thirteen!!!] Michael is: lonely, unhappy ... [Quite the contrary!] Michael is: a quiet young man who prefers to let his winning electrical skills do the talking. ... [How true.] Michael is: also naturally associated with Fire [Burn! coffee table! Burn!] Michael is: suing Granada Televison! [I don't even have an attorney!] Michael is: selfish. [Mine!] Michael is: looking forward to her absence, and is planning to have a party. [I don't know who "she" is, but let's par-tae!] Michael is: not here anymore [I had to pee.] Michael is: a great kid who has plenty to offer [That is only a rumor.] Michael is: a smart person [Brainpower! Not!!!] Michael is: committed to healthy water. [Clean toiletwater is happy toiletwater.] Michael is: expected tomorow in ny. [I hope NY is ready for a big disappointment...] Michael is: in vegas [Sin city baby!] Michael is: magic [How did I make a site? It's magiiiiiiiic.] Michael is: not bored yet [I am bored out of my mind!!!!!!!!!] Michael is: nuts [I'm crrrrraaaazzzzyyyy!!!!!!] Michael is: surprisingly cheerful after an uncomfortable landing [To make along story short,I jumped off my house and shattered my pelvis. But it was awesome!!!] You can find out what you is by going to |