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<title>Noir, Summer</title>
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<h1 align="left">Noir, Summer</h1>

<!--Freetext-->Summer Noir was born July 22, 1987. She was born and raised in an orphanage. At the age of 5 she started to be put in foster homes. The employees at the orphanage tried desperately to find a home for the young girl, no one wanted her because they believed her to be mute. She refused to talk to a soul. When she was 12 she started using narcotics and other illegal drugs that were shared with her by people she met on the street. It was around then that she found where her birth mother was and sneaked out of the orphanage in the middle of the night to see her. When she arrived her mother was kissing on a man and then told him to stop. Summer watched her mother get beaten to death and then shoved into the shower. That was the first and last time she saw her birth mother. She ran away and was later found on the streets at 14 solicitating her body. She was in poor health and was suffering from a temporary mood disorder. She was taken to a rehibilitation home where she was nursed back to health and taken off drugs. She was made to visit us for therapy and for observation. When they believed her clean she was put into school only in a matter of a few months. There she made friends and found a signifigant other whom she told everything to about her past life. On the night of her homecoming when she was 16 her boyfriend brought her to a hotel room and attacked her when she refused to sleep with him. He beat her to death then threw her in the shower and ran, reinacting her mother's death. <!--EndFreetext-->

<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v312/AsylumofElegy/Dead%20Pics/20bcf4b0.jpg">
<font size="5">Summer Noir</font>
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<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v312/AsylumofElegy/Dead%20Pics/f101b89f.jpg">
<font size="5">Summer Noir</font>
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<img src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v312/AsylumofElegy/Dead%20Pics/763669ef.jpg">
<font size="5">Summer Noir</font>
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