Ramblings Of A Bored Teen

How bored are you people anyways? I mean I thought I was pathetic for sitting here and typing useless ramblings about what is floating in my head, but WOW, you're sitting here reading them. Pretty fucking bored, huh? Well, read on I suppose.

Ya know what I'm REALLY sick of? Lord of the Rings? RAWR! It's getting on my last fucking nerve. Can we say o-v-e-r r-a-t-e-d? I mean, it was an alright movie and all, but JEBUS!

Know what's weird? Even though I'm not obsessed like *N Sync like I used to be (yes, I went through that phase), I still find myself doing everything in intrevals of 5. Like when I end a sentence, it has 5 exclamation points, or I have 5 links of sausage. It's driving me nuts!

I've began to notice how far-fetched my dreams/goals are. I mean if I had my way, I'd be dating Prince William and be on the cover of Cosmo and Playboy. Riiiiight!

Know how I got my nickname Pinky? Cause I'm freakin obsessed with the color pink. I mean, my pen writes hot pink and has a big ball of pink fluff on it. With this pen, I write on pink paper with my pink nails. Tee hee.

Ya know how there's those terms that just give you the willies? Like 'playing with yourself'. I dunno why but I HATE that term. Also, 'rubber' instead of condom. GRR! Drives me nuts!

I really wish I could take certain people and sick wild wolves upon them so their flesh would be torn apart and they would feel immense amounts of pain. The wolves would drag them to a pit of rabid monkeys where, upon being thrown in, buzzards would peck their eyeballs out until they hit the bottom with the monkeys. Oh, monkeys, have no mercy!

What is it with guys and their obsession with girls sticking fingers up their asses? Literally. You can be sucking their dicks (yeah, hear that Tracey, I said dick and there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it) and they're all like 'play with my ass baby, stick those fingers up there,' and you're just all like.....uhhhhh. No matter how much KY Jelly you use, anal is always unconfortable. Plus you always have to worry about getting donkey punched.

Regarding my Prince William infatuation, I just don't think I'd fit in with a royal setting. I mean, I don't think Prince Charles would be too awful impressed with my miniskirts and tanktops (or that orange dress....right Tracey?). Then again, I DO know how to dress up like them, just don't care too very often.

How come I can't have a cool nickname like Boo Boo Kittie Fuck?

What in the hell is with guys and their obsession with sticking their hand down their pants every 2 seconds? "Adjusting" as they call it. Pffh, what don't they just whack their shit in public, they might as well. I mean they have their hands down their pants all the time switching from left side to right, so a few more seconds wouldn't be bad. GRR! It's like you're going to meet your mum with your new boyfriend, and she goes to shake his hand, it's like 'hey, wait, it needs to be on the left now'.

People constantly mock the phrase 'the devil made me do it', yet use the belief in an absolute evil existance as a cop out for the so called 'sins' they do. Take responsibility for your actions people, the devil (which I don't even BELIEVE in) doesn't control you.

If the son of a bitchin gremlins in my room don't leave my shit alone, I swear I'll start leaving Gremlin Poison around so they will all die! Slowly, my clothes keep coming up missing. I've looked everywhere, but I know Harry the gremlin took them. Along with my NC hat, and plenty of makeup and nail polish. Maybe he's a model and needs my accessories and makeup, but he could just ask to borrow. IF YOU'RE READING THIS HARRY, YOU'RE GOIN DOWN YOU LIL BASTARD!

Why do people continuously get clowns to cheer up kids when the majority of them are terrified of them.

I thought of a new breakup line.....I was reading my horoscopes this morning, and Confucious told me to tell you to FUCK OFF!

If anyone ever comes up to me again and says "My name's Chance, do I have one?" I will be forced to rip out their spleen with my bare hands and shove it up their ass!

Maybe I only came to this realization recently, but the male species is becoming more immature and cowardly by the day from my perspective.

Ya know what hurts? All my life I have been told that if you like someone, you tell them, cause the worst that can happen is rejection. The only person I made the first move to tell them how I felt didn't feel the same, and it made things awkward between us and made me feel like shit. One more thing to make my life that much more shitty. **Heh, this person turned out to be 100% gay!**

What is so fucking great about speech and debate? The past 3 guys I've dated and a few of my guy friends were/are in it. They aren't like big nerds or anything (the horsie chick I know that's in it is pretty nappy though). Not that I have anything against it, I think it's pretty cool really, but I guess I just don't see it the way everyone around here does.

How is it a dildo can apparently get a girl off when sex can't? I mean when a girl's on top she can control where the penis hits and how deep, just as she can with a dildo. So, doesn't this say something about guys? **Again, I retract this statement and wink at Ben**

What is with some guys when they go down on you they think it's doing something if they hum or go ABDUBBBBBHHHHH? The clit guys, just lick/suck it and we're fine without sound effects.

I hate Roy Disney. All he can do is make sequels to everything, and they usually suck. The only good Disney movies I've seen in a while is The Emperor's New Groove and Lilo and Stitch.

I want my goddamn immortal soul back!

I JUST noticed that 200) was the first year I've had a boyfriend on my bday (Scott), Valentines Day (Scott), Christmas (Chance), and New Years (Chance). I've never had a boyfriend on ANY of those holidays before.

"Mommy, this doll doesnt have a pretty dress."
"Honey, this Barbie is a business woman.....she's in college, has a career, and doesnt need Ken to support her." (Boy Meets World, Cory's mum talking to his lil sis, Morgan)

There is a certain person (who will remain nameless) who is 18 freakin years old and finds it necessary to dress like the cat in the hat. If any girl is EVER turned on by this, I MUST know.

Can transvestites literally go fuck themselves? If so, can they actually impregnate themselves?